
I looked at him through my peripheral vision. Involuntarily, the remembrance of his firm hand around mine, crept up in my mind. I wanted to feel his touch so badly, I can't control it. I looked up at him and our eyes met. My heartbeat spiked. I tore my eyes away from him and looked down at my shaking hands. The device vibrated in my pocket, for the millionth time. I can't take it out now. How come he had to be so impatient? I quickly drowned the remains of my coffee. Gave Abby an apologetic look and rushed out of the lounge. Our skins touched as I snaked past him. "Excuse me," I mumbled in a low voice. I slowed down when I reached my auditorium. I pulled the device out of my pocket. "So who is Mr. Namjoon? Strange surname," I read the last text that my dad had send me. It's best if he miss interpret our entire conversation. I'm not about to prove him wrong, then he would really get on to the first plane. I quickly typed a response in which I informed him that he's the new music Professor and how I were asked to show him around campus. "I would much like to meet this young man whose got you so flustered." My Dad's text caught me completely off guard. I forgot that the video option was on. "No dad, he's just a colleague. It's not like I'm going to marry him," I stated matter of factly. Yet the thought of him and I connected by an eternal bond. Along with rings and vows and the whole shebang, makes my heart leap. I could literally hear my father roar with laughter, even though he's clearly been muted from my side. After long last the day drew to an end.

At home I informed my father that I was going to put two of the notification settings off and gave him a reason for that. Abby and I decided on a movie, one we've watched multiple times before. The 1997 blockbuster, Titanic. We sat next to each other. A blanket draped over our legs and a bowl of popcorn in between us. Just as the old lady were telling them about how it was called the ship of dreams, Abby paused. She turned her attention directly towards me and eyed me down. "What is happening to you?" I shrugged my shoulders. Her gaze intensified so much that I had to bite down on my bottom lip. "Oh no, don't tell me," she shook her head before continuing. "You're falling for him!" I tugged in my lips at her exclamation. "I know that look. You are totally falling for Mr. Music Professor," her eyes softened as she pulled me into a hug. After a moment, she replayed the movie. We laughed and cried along with the story. No matter how many times I watch it, I always seem to cry at the end.