Forty One

True to his words, Doctor Disheveled signed my releasing papers the following morning. Namjoon and the rest of his family took it upon themselves to be my caregivers over the next few weeks, seeing how I'm on bed rest and Abby can't look after me. I'm to take my supplements every morning with breakfast and the Doctor subscribed some pain medication. I'm only to take one tablet when it's absolutely necessary. I were given an appointment card, to come back within two weeks. Namjoon took it and put it inside of his purse. Not quite sure if it's safe there or not. I'll just go with the flow. That all happened yesterday, the thought flashes into mind as I take in my surroundings. Apart from the flashback, the incident have mysteriously been blocked out. I can't seem to recall anything, and I think that it's for the best. The door to my room opens up and in came a young man, seemingly older than Namjoon. "Good morning, I'm glad to see that you're awake," he said in a stoic manner. We've met before, at BBQ, but I can't seem to recall his name for some strange reason. He introduced himself as Yoongi, again, and informed me that the others went grocery shopping. Apparently they'll be back within a few hours. He served me some breakfast, well portioned. An omelette filled with something that looks like cheese, buttered toast, one grilled griller and a few strips of bacon. A glass of juice and my supplements flanking it. I thanked him wholeheartedly and enjoyed the meal in the comfort of my room. As I bite into the creamy center of the omelette, the growing bundle in my womb kicked, hard yet comfortable. Minutes at most after I emptied the plate, Yoongi returned. I swallowed dryly, and said as I looked down at my hands: "I really need to make a journey to the restroom." He gave me a coy smile in return, "No problem, I'm here to help you." He offered me a helping hand and kept to my side.

When we reached my room, my body feels like pins and needles. Each step hurts like hell. He helped me back on the bed, looked me once over and left without a word. Only to return momentarily with a pain tablet and a glass of water. I won't ask how he knew, it's better left unanswered. Instead of thanking him for his assistance, something else completely, rolled off my lips: "I'm sorry!" Yoongi looked at me surprised as he sat down beside me on the bed. Before he could vocalised the question which his eyes already asked, I concluded: "I feel partly to blame for my father's actions. So I feel like I own you guys an apology. I'm...." He waved it off, before I could finish. "You don't need to apologize for his actions. It's not your fault that he turned out the way he had. Honestly Sam, I weren't very keen on the idea of who Joon's soulmate were related to either, but even so I wouldn't dream about changing a thing. It's Destiny!" I smiled at him poorly. "You have nothing to worry about. Nothing to apologize for. You're part of this family and we wouldn't want it any other way," he confirmed. Yoongi leaned in closer and caught me in a warm embrace. I'm glad to know that even after everything that happened- revealing my father's identity, escaping, and finally the unexpected pregnancy, I'm not an outcast. I finally had a place where I belong. Not that I don't belong back in my home country. With Kim Namjoon I'm right at home. What the future might have in her grip for us is unaccounted for, at the time, but whatever she decides to through our way; we'll face it together.