We had restrictions to some extent, we were ordered not to cross the gate even after work unless we are sent on errand, we were told not to make friends from outside. Every day while we must have finished our duties we would go upstairs since it was a 3 storey building we can stand up there and view whatever or that is happening, we can stay up there and view whomever maybe Crossing
Every day was hell in the that house because our duties had increased but our earnings reduced which was totally abnormal and unacceptable, we couldn't complain to anyone about the change of system even though it was seriously affecting us
We beared the burdens to ourselves pretending everything was okay, to me I had already divided my attentions into two, one for the house and one for the church, all my wishful thinking's were all about the church it was no longer about the work because I have seen people who I could stay in their midst even if I don't say anything but seeing their faces and no seating in the cycle with them was wonderfully awesome.
Things became very difficult in the house with time but I was Always keeping up our duties to maintain peace in the house but to no avail, I remembered what that good woman who referred me to the work told me, I thought of calling her but I asked myself, is this work harder than the ones you've been doing in the village? I said no!
Finally I didn't call her, the little Amount of food that they give us in that house was not even enough for one of us talkmore of two of us, the first one month was dangerously terrible for us.
Two square meal and still you will not eat to your satisfaction with plenty duties to tidy every day for 12 thousand naira at the end of the month, it's quite a good offer at all our feeding was assured for real, but the work was way much bigger than the pay but to me its better than none.
I worked with my full mind and strength, I walked there with happiness and bitterness at the same time but I never knew that there was a joy coming from somewhere.
It was Friday already I couldn't dare to forget we have teens meeting in the church by 5:0 PM I had already informed my boss three times before that day, so Friday is here, I had done all my duties very fast to get ready for the teens meeting
I was just standing beside the gate talking with my colleague who was still in the farm, suddenly I saw the angel passing with her elder brother, it was just as I could do any magic to be able to talk to her, at least let me look healthy first before talking about being handsome or having Money and it was nearly impossible
How can a village poor boy like me be aiming to talk to angel like her, someone that a lot of big boys who looks like human being and comes from a wealthy home are seeking to talk to, someone that a lot of people come outside to watch while she is passing, so how can I dream of talking to her, am I mad??
In few seconds I had imagined billions of things and it all seemed impossible, I waited until they must have gotten to the church by my calculations, and I left to go and join them, the only thing i knew how to do is I can write with fine handwriting, I can speak English very well although not that fluently then due to stage fright and inferiority complex but I'm fiercely strong enough to defend myself thanks to God almighty, these were my self esteem then, the ones I had noticed then
When I got to the church almost of them had arrived, unexpectedly to me they were all smiling and cheering with me profusely for joining them, I was astounded but I still tried to maintain myself and behave like the normal me, i;e frawn,muted,and dump.
Every one of them welcomed with a handshake except the queen, I have this expertes on crushing deeply on someone but never let them see it, because I hate embarrassment, "I rather suck it up than mess myself up" so I wasn't even looking at her because it was a mystery for me to ever dream of talking to her, so there was no need of looking at her
I sat on the back seat acting as the normal me, after the first discussion they asked for a contribution,me I had many things to say but I wouldn't dare speak where the queen is, so I remained quiet and calm, observing and learning from them as a village boy, I never said a word until our then secretary asked me please uncle do you have anything to say, I just said I'm okay with what the house agrees to do I'm in support. From there the whole story began to unveil
Sitting at the back seat acting as if I don't talk, I just decided to glance through the queens direction inconspicuously, just as I wanted to look there our eyes jammed, I quickly removed my eyes, I started saying in minds, nnaaa are you stupid, why are you looking at the queen, are you nauth? But I never knew
I never knew I wasn't the one looking at the queen, that the queen was infact the one looking at me but believe me before I could say this out it took me years because I never believed it myself..