That's one thing about believe, it's magical, not everyone has it for real, some just believe because things are going well now, what if things goes south would you still be able to believe?
It is very necessary to believe, nothing is impossible even the word itself says I'm possible, Believe is the only magic to great success, Everyone need to have a constant reminder for that that fact.
Just believe yourself when no one is believing in you, remember,it is only you that is seeing what you are believing in, others don't see it.
Trust your process and follow your mind, whatever you are doing and never allow people's voice to suppress yours, keep telling yourself those good words you know, educate yourself, advice yourself, more importantly listen to yourself.
Every day I Keep on telling myself that I'm not stupid for dreaming big, even though it seems like I'm mad or crazy for dreaming bigger, I don't care because I know that no matter how big or bigger that I dream it is still nothing to God almighty.
Whatever I may be dreaming of, it is still nothing compared to what He can do, it is still nothing to what His powers can do, so that means that no matter what I ask Him, I can't ask too much,it's just a little thing for God but a mystery to man.
There is no limit to God's power, there's no limits to God's grace, there is no limits to God's blessings, if God decides to bless you He will do it without your permission and beyond your expectations.
Every day I keep on telling myself that my challenges came to steal from me, my challenges came to take me away from God's plans and purpose for me, my challenges came to bring me down from the apex where God has kept me, my challenges came to defy my reputations, my challenges came to take me away from my dreams, my challenges came to drag me to hell, my challenges came to take my crown away from my head.
I Know God created me for greatness that is why He made me great from childhood, I know He has great plans and purpose for me,I know that God loves me, If He didn't love me He wouldn't have blessed me aboundantly with His wisdom, If He didn't love me He wouldn't have brought me this far, If He didn't love me He wouldn't have blessed me aboundantly.
So no matter what I'm passing through, no matter what my challenges has put me through, I still know that I'm not supposed to be passing through that shit but the wickedness of man has made it to be that we must gradle to the grave.
Every day I keep on telling myself that I'm not crazy for knowing what my God can do, I'm not crazy for believing in God almighty, it is only Him that I will believe till my last.
Every day I keep on myself that I have gone too far to go back now, I have walked a million miles,I can't recede for a thousand reasons, I Will Keep on moving forward until I get to my destination.
So much struggle for a life that can be taken without your consent, without your permission, so much pains for a life that we only live once, I keep this in mind so that nothing would be a barrier to my ambitions.