Chapter 27 The Story Continues

They didn't know I saw what happened but for security reasons I had to act that I didn't see it, moreover I wasn't there with them, I had already dispatched from them to my house that night before it happened.

You can see what is happening outside the road from where I'm living so I stay inside and see what is happening outside clearly especially now that there is street lights every where.

So for security reasons I acted as if I wasn't there and they where narrating the stories from different angles but I know the truths because I saw it so the story the guy told to the police were all false accusations just to justify his anger and foolishness forgetting that at last the truth must surely prevail no matter what.

He told the police that they collected his wallet which was a big lie, he told the police that they tried to kick him down which is also a fat lie.

So the next day I personally confronted him in their lodge with two of my street friends but we couldn't see him but I left a message for him after explaining to the matured men living in the lodge that I didn't not even see that guy throughout that day of the event, so why did he bring police to my house, they looked into it and saw that the guy was wrong for leading the police to my house since he himself told them last night that he didn't see me among the four guys that night.

While I left their lodge another group of my guys still went there to their lodge to look for him but he saw them and started calling the police again, with great fear in their eyes for seeing two different group guys coming for one guy, they told the boy that he is trouble more than we are in.

They talked to him about the mistakes he has made already by calling the police to arrest the baddest guys in that neighborhood and that he should not continue with it for his own sake, so they began reprimanding him on that silly actions and more especially for leading the police to my room since he confirmed I wasn't there.

They began to offer solutions to him, by then the security man that was arrested last night had returned in the morning and I was quite in good terms with him, he is a good man though, so he told them to call me, but that was after I had finished asking him about what the guy told the police about me that made them swear to deal with me.

He said that the guy told the police that I have confronted him before with that same group of guys and demanded 15,000 from him but he never explained to them what led to that and truthfully it wasn't the guys I confronted him with that approached him that night, it was different guy's but still my friends that lives in the neighborhood too.

Yes I have confronted him before with some of my guys, he caused it actually and he even deserve more but their security man pleaded on his behalf and I decided to hear him and go back.

It seems as if I'm the king in my street, because I have all the guys coming around me often and on, and so many of them are into so many things good ones and bad ones too, Me in question I simply has this specialty in understanding the demons and the angels in everyone inside and outside.

So most of the guys come to me for counseling, some of them come to me for help, some of them come to me because they see the full hands of God upon my life and they wish it will be upon them too even if it's through me.

I accommodate people a lot that was the first issue I ever had with my first land lord, so apparently it seems as if I was the baddest guy in my street, king of boys, many people feared me, few loved me, many admired my life style, peaceful and reclusive, many hated it that just small me was the talk of the whole street.

There where lots of talks about me in the neighborhood, yes, I smoke weed and I smoke it a whole lot and I don't care if you like it or not, I smoke whenever I want to and wherever I want to.

Every living things in the streets both the spirit and the demons knows that I smoke weed, I smoke beside my shop outside the street, I don't want to know if you fancy it or no, it's none of my business, if you want to patronize me fine if you don't fine, but I never crossed anyone's lane after smoking, or take anything that does not belong to me, or beg anyone for food after smoking.

I afford the smoke for myself and I afford whatever I need for myself I don't depend on anyone for anything, so I have no reason to cross your lane, I'm always on my lane, I have never misbehaved or hurt anyone after smoking, what I do is, after smoking I will eat good food and go straight inside my room until I want to smoke again.

So I was considered a weirdo by some people, some called me the beautiful demon, some called me the demonic angel, I received many accolades from my fellow guys who admires my life style.

I was considered the baddest guy but I wasn't the baddest, God has blessed me aboundantly with wisdom and understanding, I was applying the wisdom God has given me in excess.