The police man listened to me and he allowed Saka to go, honestly speaking, from that day I realized that God was by my side, I did not pay that police man anything for that great job he did for me and he didn't say anything, I only paid he transport fair to the office that morning #200, It was a big miracle to me, It was more than just a revelation for me to realize that God's hands are upon my life, anyone going against me unjustly will surely lift me up at the end, from that day things changed for me completely, although it was after few months of horrible experience when I finally Left their house because of that particular incident, when the police man left, people started asking what happened, and moreover the compound was owned by a magistrate, so you don't bring in any police officer without the landlords consent, but I did it anyways because it was God that did it for me, the landlord wasn't even angry when he heard about it because he knows I would be innocent at the end, he later told me when we became close, while I was telling people what happened, Saka and Daniel began scattering my bag in the room saying that this room will not contain us today, that I went and called police for them in their house that I will not come around the house again, they were just shouting and shouting, I just went inside and prepared for church even think it's already late, but it's better late than later" so I still went to church after all those traumatic drama,I couldn't tell anyone in the church what happened because none of them knows where I'm staying so there was no need of telling them, before I could return from church they had already called one of our brother that is living in another place but still in the same city, and the guy is a dangerous guy, a notorious cultist in our village, an ex convict, they knew I feared the guy then, but not that much, but I just had to be avoiding him because of his roughness, they had already call him and told him that I called police for them in their own house, the guy didn't even ask me what happened he was just blasting me with words even though I wasn't replying them because I know very well for me to speak at that moment I would cry and if I cry I would say things that will damage the issues the more so I controlled myself while they were blasting me with words until the guy gave a very dirty slap and told me to leave this house now that the house will not contain me and them now, that he wouldn't want to see me in the house if he comes back again, tears was already flooding from my eyes, but I couldn't still speak, I only bent down and arranged my bags that Daniel had scattered, while I finished arranging the bag, I went to my working place and told them how it's going with us, I told my colleagues the truths but I couldn't tell my madam the actual thing that happened I was hoping I could settle it without needing her concerns, later in the evening I returned home and they couldn't open the door for me, I felt the most rejected that night, because I was very saddened to know that saka and I was locked outside one day, then today Saka is locking me outside, It was unbelievably unbearable, I slept on the sucker pit the third time alone this time, the next day I went to work from the outside I couldn't go inside their house so I went to work like that, but my madam being an observing mother had realized that I looked tattered, she asked me if everything was okay with my half brothers i said yes, that day I finally told my madam that they finally asked me to leave their house for them, my madam told me not to worry then, she said I could come and live in the same room that my colleagues in the shop were living in, so I don't have to be bothered, it was a pleasing news to hear, "everything comes with a price, but nothing can compare with freedom" I accepted her offer with gratitude, later in the evening I went to the house and brought out my bag, they didn't say anything to me as I was taking my bag they never said anything even when I greeted them, I just just took my bag and left and that was the end of the 2015 with them, I began staying with my madam Which practically means my responsibilities to her has increased and my freedom is reduced but I was more than willing to do anything to just stay safe in their home, so I stayed with my madam from August 2015 till the next year, while I was living in my madam's I still had to face the problems of her first daughter, but I never told my madam even till today, it was only my colleagues who were seeing the same thing even before I came in that knows about it, I endured it throughout that 2015, Lately I realized in my working place that Daniel and saka no longer comes around there or even walk across as usual, they would either take a tricycle or they would take another lane, every day they are crossing our shop I would always see them from afar, they kept on dodging me until around November 2015 we began greeting again.