When I arrived at the shop, I met the door locked, I went to look for Emmanuel my cousin. He was happy to see me even though he had heard from his parents that I left my Aunty's place but he wasn't so bothered. He told me his mum, another of my dad's older sisters was angry with me.
"Thank goodness she wasn't at home when I came". I said to him referring to his mother.
"You're right about that, because the last you need now is more drama" he responded, and we burst into laughter.
"How are you" he asked. I could see he was worried about me by his expression.
"I'm okay, I can't complain" I answered, then continued.
"If I wasn't okay, what would you have done about it, you're broke" I humoured.
We held each other's arms and laughed again.
Emmanuel was more than a cousin, he was my brother and friend. Although we didn't get to see each other all the time, whenever we did we talked about everything.
We strolled back to my shop, got the door opened then sat on the two available plastic chairs.
"I have come to tell you that I would like to sell off the business" I told him.
"That's something I would have told you myself but I'm glad you already thought about it" he responded.
What are you going to do with the money? He asked.
"I'm planning to sit for the next GCE so that I can have all the credit required to get a senior secondary certificate because I want to get a job" I answered.
"You made the right choice bro, I'm ready to support you in order to ensure that we get a good buyer that can pay good money so that it will be enough for you to do what you intend to do" said Emmanuel.
Have you eaten breakfast? He asked again.
"No bro" I answered.
"Wait right here, let me go home and bring you some food" said Emmanuel.
I rested my back on the chair,closed my eyes and started to daydream . I remembered the pet name given to me by my great uncle, Ezekiel Oyekanmi of blessed memories. He called me Akereyejo, meaning Little-dancer. The name didn't come about because of my dancing prowess,but because I was a tenacious child,once I had a goal on my mind I kept at it until I achieved it. He used to tell me that was one of the qualities of a successful dancer and he saw that in me.
I didn't know if that was true,but I was relentless as a child. I could disturb until I was smacked or I had my way. I started to ponder if it wasn't better to just sell the business and use the money to return to my grandmother in the village. After all , there wouldn't be any need for me to stress about food or shelter. I smiled to knowing that I would never return to my grandmother in the village .
Emmanuel showed up after some minutes. "Sorry it took me that long" he said to me smiling.
"That's okay, you didn't take so long to come back" I responded.
"Here" he said, handing me a plate of beans and loaf of bread.
"You know my favourite" I said to him.
"You're my brother, I know what you like". He said.
How is Beth? He asked.
I had told him about Beth, even though he had not met her, he knew I had a girlfriend and she had been very nice to me.
"She's doing well, as a matter of fact she paid my transport fare here" I answered.
"Last night she brought me a meal, I really enjoyed it, we kissed too" I continued.
"Lucky you bro, I haven't got a chance to kiss any girl" he said, then we laughed about it.
He kept on telling me stories about the girls he had tried to talk to while I enjoy the beans and bread, then the silence.
After a minute of silence, Emmanuel asked me, "what if I buy this shop from you?
I paused, looked at him in the eyes and asked him if he had the money?
"You're aware that I and my family inherited some money from my dad. I kept mine with my mum. I already got admission into the University, so I can just be getting some money from here while I'm in school studying" he said.
Oh wow!! why didn't you inform me about your admission first instead of telling me about the girls, congratulations brother" I got up and gave him a hug.
"Thank you bro" he responded.
Would you be traveling or you would be here in Lagos" I asked, continuing my meal.
"It's the Lagos State University , I will be going from home" He responded.
"Very good then, I won't have to miss you too much" I told him.
"True that" he said.
Then continued.
"How much are you willing to sell"
I said , I may have to do a list of everything there, it might take sometime but it's something we could do within two hours.
"You're right, that would help me know my opening stock as well" he agreed.
So he went out to buy a new note book and pen, the we started counting the numbers of home videos on the shelves. I was doing the counting while he did the recording. We then evaluated the cost of the kiosk, the shelves , television and video player. In less than an hour,we were done. We arrived at the total of forty five thousand , seven hundred and twenty naira ( 45,720.00 NGN)
He asked me to hold on while he went to bring the cash. When he left, I did I mental evaluation, the GCE form was already on sale, it was going to cost me six thousand naira (6000.00 NGN ).I also needed to enroll in tutorials that would prepare me towards the exams, that was going to cost me four thousand naira (4000.00 NGN ) . The remaining balance of thirty five thousand naira (35,000.00 NGN ) I intended to save in the bank for my daily needs. I also reasoned that Emmanuel was doing me a big favourbecause it would have taken a long time to look for a prospective buyer willing to purchase at my asking price.
At exactly 4pm, Emmanuel came back to me with the total amount of the money in cash. He handed me the money in a brown envelope. I opened it and counted to be sure it was complete.
"Thank you bro" I stood up to hug him.
"Common bro' it's your money, all you have to do is ensure that you use it judiciously" said Emmanuel.
"Sure" I answered.
Would you like us to go and drink some palm wine? Mohammed asked.
"That will be perfect" I answered.
We walked to the next street where a man sold palm wine. It was a small booth constructed with bamboos. The palmwine seller was in his 50s. He welcomed us and served us the palm wine.
"Do you have fried meat? Emmanuel asked the palm wine man.
"Yes for sure" he responded, nodding.
You don't usually get palm wine in all parts of Lagos, but anywhere you find a palm wine seller, it's either it comes with grills or fried meat.
We ordered for a plate of meat to go with the wine. We couldn't discuss much there,so we just observed the customers. The moment I finished a bottle, I said to Emmanuel " I have to stop here before I miss my way home"
He laughed and said "sure you have to be on your way back to the island now.
'Yeah right" I agreed.
My cousin saw me off to Ojuelegba bus stop where I boarded a bus going to Obalende.