Chapter-1:A Lovely Family

A wonderful day in the Kingdom of Ordin,a Kingdom named after the first ruler Ferdinan Ordin.

Now ruled by the current king Hesiod Ordin.

The markets were busy calling for customers and praising their products,the bars were filled with joy and laughter and people who awaken magical powers were busy fighting monsters either inside a gate also called portal or inside a naturally occurring cave which now became dungeons.

Everyone was busy with their own work and business,the knights were patrolling around the cities and even towns,while some of them trained during their free time.

The guilds where hunters gather to pick quests were crowded,with each hunter having different ranks.And each quest with a certain rank requirement and number of people required for the quest.

The children in Ordin's Grand Academy were also trying their best to learn their lessons and also to improve their awakened powers.

But not many students can enter this Academy.You either have to be naturally gifted with a great manapool,which means you have great potential for improving or you have to be talented in using magical powers.Many gifted students were enrolled in this academy.

Even though you could become a hunter just by evaluating your manapool.Getting a degree from the Academy makes it easier to join a High Ranking Clan.You can also become a knight just after you receive this degree,and if you pass with a high degree you could even be nominated for one of the Royal knights or Royal mages.


Somewhere in a small village in the City of Achnos one of the cities of Ordin.

"Mom....its so boring..,let's go home!!"

A little girl pulling her mom's skirt was bored while waiting for her mom buying groceries.

"Camille if you don't behave I'll tell Granny Amanda that you're a bad girl."

She behaves for a while,but soon after starts feeling bored again.

"But it's so boring...!I wanna go home and play with Alex."

"I already told can't play with your brother anymore because he's busy".

"Ahhh can't he just work as a maid like you?, why'd he have to go train,a-and its dangerous and bad to always told me that".

"Firstly,Male maids are call 'Manservant' not 'Maid' and Second,yes its dangerous out there even in the academy,but it's your brother's decision and you know once he do something he's fully committed to it"

As Camille keeps complaining her mother just choose to ignore her whining and goes on with her shoping.

"And didn't Uncle Patty said that its hard to get into the academy?"

"He did,and it is hard to get into it.But we'll never know until he try.Who knows,maybe some miracle will happen,he might suddenly get one of Light's Blessings"

"Like Miss Elizabeth!?"

"Ha ha ha Umm maybe like Miss Elizabeth"

...."But still wh-"

"Oh just follow me Camille"

As they walk through the market, Camille continues to complain but still follows her mom obediently.


At the end of the village in a nearby forest,Patrick also called Patty was teaching a young boy how to use a sword.

"Come on Alex its only been an hour since we started,are you just gonna lay down like that"

Patrick pointing his sword towards Alex,taunting him.

"Like hell i will"

Alex gets up and started swinging his sword without any particular fighting styles.

"You're just wasting your energy like that.I told you to think and feel your sword, don't waste energy on unnecessary moves thats not gonna deal any effect"

He was dodging and teaching him at the same time.

Now Alex was out of breath,he was barely standing using his sword to hold himself up,but just when Patrick was about to pat his shoulder,Alex suddenly swing his sword horizontally.If it was any normal human,this could fatally hurt him or even kill him,but no Patrick was no normal human.

Patrick was once a B-Rank hunter,that means he's much stronger than any normal humans.Not only is he strong but his sense and agility are all above any normal humans.But not joining any party or Clan,Patrick used to work as a mercenary.


While mercenaries makes more money than hunters in a clan, their work is dangerous and they have to take care of themselves.Any fatal wounds or injuries they have, they'd have to take responsibilities themselves.

Patrick was also once an expert in this field.And since not many people above or at the level of B-rank work as mercenaries,many parties or clans would request for his assistance.

It was when one of the top clans in Achnos ask for his help,first he refuse to accept their proposal because he knows fully well how this clans treated their Mercenaries.But they were constantly coming for him and each time they ask for his help they would increase his income from the raid.

After weeks of being persuaded,he finally accepts their request.He was still wary of them but he also thought that they may treat a B-Rank different.....

But no,even though he was a B-Rank hunter,he was still treated the same way they treat other mercenaries.He was used as a meat shield and this ultimately led to his demise.His legs were crushed and his manapool was almost destroyed in the raids.What seemed like an easy raid,a dungeons which seemed like it was filled with D and lower C-rank monsters was filled with Lower B-Rank monsters and B-Rank monsters.

It wasn't hard to defeat those B-Rank monsters,because the party was filled with seven B-Rank hunters,two C-rank who were healers and one A-rank hunter.

It was an easy fight until they met the Master of the dungeon.It was in this fight that he broke his leg and almost got his manapool crushed.But hunter have regenerative ability,and even those fatal wounds could be healed.But Manapool however is different,once your manapool is disrupted it takes one of the best healers to get back to normal.

But for Patrick,he decided that he would instead quit being a hunter rather then spend it on healers that would cost thousands of his savings.Patrick also has a family that wants him to stay at home,so he thought that quitting would be the best for him.


As Alex quickly swung his sword,he thought that he would finally get a good hit.He was sure that the sword won't hurt him as he was once a B-Rank hunter.

Just as he was about to strike his neck he abruptly stops,shocked by how much difference in strength there was.Patrick was stopping the sword with his hands and looked at Alex smiling.

"Uhh aren't you a little mean"

"That could've injured me badly kid"

He said while smiling cheekily.

"What..? Is a B-rank afraid of a kids blow"

"Ha ha ha its not about me getting hurt kid,its about my feelings.How you swing it with no other thoughts but just for the sake of winning,disregarding what would have happen if I got hit without body enhancement.You know that would have been real painfu-!"

"Okay okay i get it,so stop with the lecturing.Its not like i put too much force anyway"

Alex said while looking real annoyed.

Alex now has a little bit of mana in him and once he found out that he got mana,he was really excited and quickly went to Patrick to tell him about it.Alex always dreamt of going to the Grand Academy, learning magics and gaining more knowledge of how these magic works.He always dreamt of becoming one of the best hunters.And now that he has awaken,he was feeling a lot more confident and decided he would do his best to be accepted in the academy.

Before learning how to use the sword or even before awakening mana,Alex trained everyday hoping that working out and taking excercise would help him awaken.Though this is not how people awaken he still firmly believes that he would one day receive such blessings.He would train everyday,in the morning and before sunset with the village Martial Artist Hanji.

Hanji is,at present a C-rank hunter, specialised in Earth And Fire elements.A dual elemental users like him are rare,but due to his lack of motivation to go hunt monsters,he became a blacksmith instead.

Alex would help him out with various chores in Hanji's workplace and in return Hanji would teach him martial arts.

Feeling really tired now Alex looked at his master.

"Uncle Patty,i think I'm done for today"

And just when Patrick tried to reply they heard a voice from the direction of the village.

"Hey Alex you done yet!"

It was a kid with an appearance of a human,but no human kid his age would have a beard and a moustache.It was Luke,one of Alex's best friend and a beastmen.

Even though humans and other race does not live together,they do not hate each other and have no problems with each other.

Ordin is one of the few Kingdoms in which different race resides.

"So...are you done?"

He said while looking at Alex's shabby appearance.

"Yeah we were just gonna call it quits for today"

"Thats great..i was just done with my training too"

For some reason Luke was really energetic and excited.

"What? Something good happen?"

"Well it is....about to happen, Stephen says that tonight he's gonna meditate and learn how some basics about mana"

"Wow..great..But why are you so excited for him?"

"Cause his dad says that we're allowed to join him!!!"

"What!? You're joking right?Mr.Agnesis would never say that"

"He did!!!While you were training yesterday, Stephen told me that both of us can come along"

Alex still not believing him looked at him with disbelief.

"Dude I'm not lying if you don't believe me and don't show up tonight, you're gonna lose your free trail"

"Alright alright I'll come,but if this is some sort of joke, I'll burn your funny beard"

He said while lightly pulling his beard.

"Shut up you know my dad doesn't allow me to shave it"

Luke shove his hand away.

"Come on kids,if you're not gonna practice anymore go home,it's getting real dark"

Patrick was still there listening to the two kids silly little conversation.Then they packed their stuff and went home.


[Alex's Pov]

I was on my way home going through several houses i saw kids younger than me play,laugh,some crying and some being chased by their parents.These kids living with no care in the world.

As I walk down the streets,i could see the sun slowing hiding behind the trees,the sky turned red and the same thought I had everyday came pouring back.

'What if i don't get accepted in the Academy?'

'What if this little mana that gave me hope is all that i will ever have?'

'what if i never learn how to use elemental powers and just end up with the basic body enhancement'

But then again even now i haven't learn how to enhance my body,not even my arms or legs.

These thought kept running through my mind,and sometimes it even made me demotivated.

As I was having these thoughts i was already in front of our doors.I opened the doors reluctantly,but just like every other day,all those negative thoughts went away as i saw my little sister running towards me with a great smile and embrace me with warm hugs.

"Alex....Why are you always busy!?"

She shouted while still hugging me.

"Now now Camille,your brother's tired so stop bugging him"

My mom scolding Camille,and pulling her towards herself.

"Go take a bath Alex, I'll prepare dinner while you're at it"

She said while rubbing my hair.

Nothing will ever be greater than the warmth of a mother's love.Just seeing my family happily greeting me was enough to remove all my stress.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad even if i fail to get accepted,I can probably be a blacksmith and earn enough to take care of my mom and little sister.

Well I'll just keep training and hope for the best,and even if i eventually fail,it wouldn't be my fault for not being blessed,it wouldn't be my faul for not receiving such great powers like others.

I know I'll feel hopeless and it'll really hurts to fail after putting such efforts.But i also know that as long as i have My Wonderful Mom and Sister on my side, I'll hopefully find how to cope with it and maybe someday no matter how old i am, i might eventually receive such Blessings.