Magic Implementation



"Huh?" I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Elias, good morning." I heard an angelic voice telling me 'good morning' from above…

"Ah, uh, good morning." I finally opened my puffed eyes, barely getting the focus of the world.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"I certainly did…" I trailed off and yawned, "I didn't think I would sleep like a log on another world. It's been over thirteen hours, hasn't it?"

"Ah, your habit came out!" She said.

"Hmm, ah, it indeed did come out. I can't help it, can I?--"

"I've had it since I was young, after all." She finished my line.

"Do you really have some mind-reading power?!" I asked, acting as if I was shocked yet again.

"Ahaha, no… I just know you too well." She replied while looking at me from her bed, resting her chin on her hands.

"I see. I'll probably learn sooner or later about how you all know me, but for now, it isn't an issue."

"Great to know, well then, shall we go downstairs and eat breakfast? Since your stomach has been protesting even while you were sleeping…" She said, trying to embarrass me. But of course, that didn't work… or so I thought when I heard my stomach growl for food.

"Hahaha-" She broke into a burst of laughter.


After that, we made our beds. She washed her face and hair, while I took a shower. I had Sean explain it to me since I had never seen showers, after all, I only bathed in from a fountain tube in my castle back in Ayla.

But it was useful since the water was warm, and then there was also 'Shampoo' which gave me a good scent and soft hair.

Damn, these people are centuries ahead of Nexus, literally.

I wore into some black trousers and a white shirt Luke didn't use.

We went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Seren made some 'Basic Breakfast' which consisted of a piece of toast topped with cherry or strawberry jam, and a glass of warm milk or cold milk, the choice was up to us.

"Ah, this is tasty." I complimented the food she made and managed to get a massive grin from her.

The bread was kind of crunchy and with enough heat for the human mouth and tongue, the jam spread over it was quite good, so its combination was quite a good one even for a noble of a so-called "Medieval World".

Though it is also true I've had more luxurious meals than I can count, it doesn't mean basic food isn't pleasant.


I ate more after that.

When we were over with breakfast, Seren pulled me over to the living room.

From where I was standing, at the gate, I could see three sofas and a tea table in the middle between them. Behind the couch, across the room were some big glass windows that gave access to the backyard. Also, the way the couches were facing was towards a dark screen which Seren called a TV. A way to entertain oneself.

"Well then," I sat on the couch directly facing the TV, after that, I called out to Sean and Seren. Holding a meeting.

"Sean, Seren already knows about this but… I decided to teach you and her magic. As a way of compensation." I was straightforward with him.

"Eh? I don't know." Seren said confused, "Ah!" She hit her palm with her fist, "I remember yesterday night you mumbled about something, was it about this? I didn't understand a word though. Teehee." She ended as she bonked her head while sticking her tongue out.

"Hah," I sighed, bringing my hand up to my brows, "Okay, as you may have heard me earlier, I decided to teach you two magic."

"Is that… possible?" Sean said with a low, serious tone.

"It is," I assured him confidently.

"But how?" He spoke up.

I smirked, scoffed, and said, "By awakening you two forcefully, that is!"


We are now in the backyard or garden, or just a small space filled with well-cut grass and wooden fences.

"Sit here," I indicated to the ground, "And sit in a comfortable position!" I urged them to do so.

They sat the same way, butt in the ground and cross-legged.

Finally, I began talking, "As you may already know, magic also has a theoretical side."

"Yeah." Sean agreed.

"But the physical part of it also plays a role." I continued, "Since mana exists everywhere, why can the people of Nexus use it while you cannot do so?" I asked them a question.

"Hmm… no idea, since that's like fantasy or something?" Seren said while Sean kept pondering.

"Well, you said that mana exists everywhere, right? Since that is the case… does that mean our mana channels are closed off from which mana can't move into our body?"

"Exactly!" I slapped my hands. "Good job figuring that out, but there is also another factor that plays its part here," I said.

"Which one is that?" Seren asked without even stopping to think about it.

"Well, try figuring it out! Let's say, today in the morning, I tried to make a fireball, look at this here…" After ten seconds later of focusing intently, a blaze the size of my index finger came to life.

"Oooh!?" Seren got surprised and let out a gasp, while Sean's gulp was visibly seen and heard.

"It took less this time, around forty-four seconds. I was charging my mana for the spell since I first began talking to you. If I was back in my world, for the same amount of time, I could make a fireball the size of your house." I confirmed and finally questioned them again, "So? What did you understand by this?"

"That magic can be used here too… and uhmm… it takes longer to finish it?" Seren said while grinding her teeth, also why is this girl being so dumb? Does she have no information about magic?

"I think the factor that plays a part in this whole part is… the mana quantity?" His voice pitched higher as he said unconfidently.

"Damn, good job figuring this out, Sean! I praise you." I nodded with visible proudness on my face.

"Tch," Seren clicked her tongue loudly and whipped her head another way.

"Ahaha… I'll continue on with the explanation… as I was saying. Yes, the volume of mana plays a massive role in this. Considering there will have more particles to link together to bring something new to life. Like this blaze of fire on top of my finger, it is constantly burning mana."

"That seems like when gasses are lit up…" Seren muttered quietly.

"I thought so too." Sean agreed with her.

"So, as per my theory," I declared my thoughts, "I think the more mana begins to be used, the more will be brought to life since it understands that it is not enough."

"I totally agree," Sean said. His leg was shaking, probably because of excitement.

"Well, it seems we got some expectations about this so let's get it over with. I used a Transcendent spell to learn the language yesterday so I'm still drained, well, that thirteen-hour sleep seemed to help."

As I said that, I got behind them and placed my right hand on Sean's nape while my left on Seren's.

"Well, this might sting a little, since I'm opening your mana channels forcibly."

Okay, let's breathe once, and begin.

I closed my eyes and began searching through my mind's archive about the specific moment when I discovered about Runic Awakening.

Runic Awakening is in other words, a forceful awakening that happens when you imbue Runes on people.

It is also taboo to forcefully awaken people in Nexus since renowned Mages should have the talent that meets the criteria. Well, the true reason behind it is that Runic Awakening raises the chances of getting higher magic potentials. So, it became forbidden since people would get too powerful and break havoc everywhere.

I finally began circulating the mana from my reserves and the mana I could gather from the atmosphere. I envisioned the multicolored particles going up to my brain, becoming into grayish colorless forms, and then, reaching down to my hands where I had willed it to.

"We're getting started!" I said and finally commenced the spell.

I inferred the symbolic and curved runes on my mind, finally reaching out to their napes and getting engraved on them. The thought-up rune had a crystal in it with specific color which portrays the level of the potential, though not a literal crystal, just a drawn one, like with ink.

By that crystal protrude three branches on the left and three on the right. That is the rune that connects to the neural system and allows the body to be exposed to mana.

The visualized rune, before being placed, began emitting too much heat, I as the caster felt it, while Sean and Seren were grimacing, basically holding themselves without jumping away.

Finally… the runes became visible on the surface of their skin and slowly faded.

"That's it, guys." An exasperated sigh was left out of my mouth as I slumped to the ground.

"That… hurt more than I expected it to--" Sean didn't finish his sentence.

"Sean?" Seren said in a high-pitched tone.

"Shit." Was the only word I voiced when I saw Sean fall to the ground, breathless.