Alone, II

Elias is here, he really is.

Is this a dream or something? Could those fantasies have been a message, after all?

He's alone here, without anyone… He must've been really shocked when he found himself here. That is why I will take Elias home with us, and make him feel less conflicted emotions about this world.


He started calling me Seren. Why do I feel so comfortable with that name?

At the coffee bar, after talking about himself I said, "Soo if you have no home and money… Why don't you live with us?"

A tinge of guilt hit me after I said that, because I didn't say it since he had no home or money. It was because I wanted him near me…


We finally persuaded him to come and live with us. He's at our home now, all surprised at the convenience of science.


??? POV:

Page twenty-six, paragraph seven:

I let him sleep in my room. When I have nightmares I can just look at him and feel assured that I have someone strong by my side.

We had a little incident a little earlier, but it's alright. He was all flustered, even when we fell to sleep I noticed his ears were still red, hehe… He's so cute…


Page twenty-seven, paragraph one:

I cooked food for him today… Well, I just made him some basic creamed toast, but he seemed to enjoy it so much. I am happy he did, otherwise I would be embarrassed to be called a woman who didn't know how to cook…

Page twenty-nine, paragraph four:

Woohoo, I learned magic today, and it still doesn't feel real, to be honest. I am a 'Queen-Potential' which means I have an affinity for two elements and I might be able to use one Transcendental Spell when I get stronger.

I already know my affinities and they are Wind and Water.

I'm a little jealous because Sean knows how to use magic better and has been praised by Elias two times already.

That just means I've got to work harder myself to get praised by him…


Page thirty-six, paragraph one:

It is early morning, I've woken up quite early. I felt I should write this now since it's the first day of school and I'm really excited about it.

I can't wait for Elias's reaction when I tell him that we're going to school.

And um… Yeah, today is the tenth-day mark that Elias has been living with us.

Page thirty-six, paragraph eight:

Ngghh! Damn those girls from his class fawning all over him, tch. Go find some other guys to fawn over to. Elias is mine damn it. Hmph, I might just go and drown them with my water magic.


Page forty-eight, paragraph six:

Elias has been very diligent in his studies ever since he came into our world. He has been studying our cultures, countries, school systems, and overall science subjects because there is a vast amount of information found in our world.

Let's not forget to mention that he learned the alphabet within a day. How crazy is that!!


Page fifty-four, paragraph one:

Today has been a happy day. The reason for it is that they moved Elias to a class higher because of how he knows everything in his grade.

And they moved it to my class!!! I couldn't be any happier than this kyaaa!

Okay, that kya~ crap was embarrassing so I just scribbled it over. Let's just say that I'm way too happy that I get to be every day with him. In class and at home too.


Page fifty-six, paragraph nine:

Elias has been getting some bad stares from the guys of our school, it's like he's become everyone's enemy. Mwahaha is my beauty such a delicate thing that other kids are hating on Elias because he stays with me all the time?


Page fifty-seven, paragraph four:

Hmph, those girls have been giving me resentful stares too, now.

They also come to our class every day to see Elias. Is he that good-looking?! Well, he is… I would go see him too…

Agh Elias are you my crush or my enemy---this is frustrating.


Page sixty-six, paragraph three:

*sigh* such a mood killer, it's been over forty days since he's come to live with us, but I haven't made progress at all… Am I that ugly that Elias never makes a move on me? I'm starting to lose confidence.


Page one-hundred-sixteen, paragraph one:

It's been exactly three months since we started living together. Elias has been excelling at school as if it was nothing. We will have some days off from school after a week.

I've been training my body and mind every day, I want to get strong too. I don't want Sean to be better than me… I've gotten better at manipulating the atmosphere mana and I don't take long to make a spell like back then.

These days have been fun even though we had a lot of exams.


Page one-hundred-twenty-five, paragraph twelve:

Yeah, it's been decided that we will go on a small vacation. We're going out of the city to some famous hills I know nothing about. I just know it's renowned for its winter scenery.

It's going to be perfect. In the dark, cold night, the winter decorations making it all the better, no people around us… It's going to be the perfect mood for a confession.

That's right! I've decided that I'm going to confess my feelings to him.


Page one-hundred-thirty, paragraph one:

Yesterday late at night I couldn't sleep, I tried and tried but it seems I still had a lot of energy left.

So I thought, How about I go to Elias's room and see if he's up? After all, he always replies to me when I call out to him in the middle of the night…

I went to his room, but it was different than what I expected. He was sitting, his face buried in his hands… He was crying. I didn't know what to do. And so I just went and hugged him telling him that it's all right to cry and stuff.

Just so you know, he also hugged me back… Kha this is embarrassing, all right that's it for now. I am going out with the guys and I'll write again later.


I clenched the unfinished page, "Se-Layla… Why is this page not finished…?" My voice shivering.

My chest got tighter and tighter as I read through the diary she had written every day. "I-I'm sorry Layla…" Hiccups overcame my high-pitched voice.

"Again, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you… That I didn't let you finish this page, that I didn't let you get back home with me… It's all my fault."

The only thing that gave some consolation to me right now, was a piece of paper drenched with my tears.