Acknowledgment, I

I have been in the hospital for the past two weeks, it has been calm in here… Maybe it's just because Layla isn't in my surroundings anymore. She always kept the mood up, being the person she was, cheerful and energetic.

She was an airhead and easy to deal with, but at times, she gave me this type of aura that made me feel chills up my spine, like when I trained them.

Overall she was a kind girl, she was kind of like a dorm mother like I've read in articles online. She woke everyone up, made breakfast for us all, and asked us if we had the things we needed, for example, our phones and wallets.

She was a nice, beautiful, fulfilling individual. But fate chose something different, it chose the end of her being, her existence. It is painful for people when a being like her exists in this corrupted world.


My students visited me during my stay in the hospital, which helped me not overthink stuff up.

"Master… We-we're sorry for not being there when you needed us." The skinny and scrawny one called Morgan Stickland talked, the others behind him also tearing up.

"Yeah we're sorry, while you were fighting for your life, we were goofing around doing nothing..."

The one crying beside him was called Angus Guzman, or just 'Gus' shortly. He was the comedian of the group that cracks jokes at the wrong time, and the one I beat up the most when training. His loaded face cheeks, and the back ones, just make me want to punch him.

The one who first visited me, alone, was the ex-leader of their small group, Jeremy Archer. He was the one who first asked me to become their master.

He has quite the pride, so I guess it took him a lot of courage to ask me back then. He's also a kind fellow who should've been in the school studying, not acting like a delinquent.

Standing next to Jeremy in the room were Warren and Billy, they were looking downwards, at their feet, and behind them were Garfield and Jean. Those two weren't even looking my way… It seems they got down in the dumps too.

"My students… My buddies…" I called out to them awkwardly, "Look here everyone, Jeremy, Morgan, Gus, Warren, Billy, Garf, Jean." I called them all by their names as I got them to look toward me.

"Don't worry about this, haha, things like this happen all the time… Well, tendons of fingers don't tear all the time but, um…" a wry laugh came out of my mouth…

"Ngh, hmmm, what I want to say is, um… Don't feel down, I am here all fine and cheerful, don't worry about my fingers, I can fix them up whenever I want. But I just don't feel like it, and about Layla… Wait a minute, how did you all know I was talking about Layla back when you asked me who I train?" an unexpected question came up while I tried to cheer them up.

Gus spoke up "Well she posted online how she is to be called Seren and stuff…"

"Oh, she also did that, huh?" I muttered to myself, trying to not get sidetracked.

"So, uh, as I was saying… Cheer up you all, this is no time to be disheartened. I know we all have been through stuff and this last incident will leave me quite damaged…" I bit my lip…

"But I've decided!" I raised my tone as I said that and continued with my decision, "I will teach everyone Magic."


Full of determination I said, "I will teach everyone Magic." I also felt embarrassed for the fact that I said something these guys have no idea is possible.

I heard Garfield's voice from the end of the room, "Did you hit your head somewhere?" he asked.

"Kgh Master~ please don't leave us, we also need the egoist and boastful you!" Angus started crying while cleaning his snot on Morgan.

"Eh?" I let a breath out.

"What do you mean by leave us? And what about the 'Egoist' and 'Boastful' hmph?" I hit Gus's head with the side of my outstretched hand as I said that.

He complained "Ouch!" while a painful sensation crept up to me from the hand I hit him.

"Ugh, I forgot I have snapped tendons, shit!" I grumbled in frustration and gathered my thoughts together now.

"Listen here you guys, I didn't hit my head nor died mentally as to how some 'People' in the room put it. I simply want to take things a step further, and that is teaching you all magic." I started explaining.

The leader, Jeremy interrupted me, "Magic isn't possible in my opinion, maybe magic tricks like those you see in shows may be possible but other than that, I can't seem to find it believable."

I scoffed.

"Heh, is that what you think? Well, I can confirm that you are incorrect, and with that mindset, your comprehension of new things is going to be lower than the average human being and its understanding."

He argued back "Then do you truly think that you or we can learn magic? To begin with, if magic existed, we fragile human beings wouldn't have to wreck our brains for ideas every day on how to make our environment suit our lives." He raised his tone.

"If we needed water to drink, boom, you got water and you are not thirsty anymore." He continued with a rougher tone, sputtering in my face.

"If you're cold, boom, create fire, and here, you aren't cold anymore!"

I only listened quietly "You need to travel distances, boom wind magic. You can fly thousands of meters or even kilometers faster than with a car. What else…" He was panting, searching in his mind for something to say.

With a calm tone and a devoid face of emotions, I replied slowly, "Why are you… so agitated? Why are you… so frustrated? Why are you… so envious of these powers? Why are you… so mad from being weak?"


I did not let him start to speak as I continued with my words.

"If you only worked enough, you wouldn't be in the position you are now, to be lectured by a guy of the same age. If you only worked enough to not waste your time on bad habits. If you only worked as much as you needed and did not pile up your failures, you would have been a loved guy by many people!"

Weird, I'm getting annoyed by my own words… I am probably saying this towards myself, not him.

Jeremy and everyone else in the room just stared at me, silently.

Awkwardly I tried to get rid of the tension in the air again.

"Hey, uh, Jeremy sorry, you know it has been a little tuff for me lately, and so uh, yeah I hope you understand."

If Layla was here, the mood would have gotten brighter instantly. Sigh-- She's gone Elias get it together. I started to get disappointed in myself for how weak-willed I am.

"Well, uh, where we left off earlier, what if I tell you all that magic is possible? I can use it, and also teach you how to make spells yourselves."

"As you know, in those movies and animes where they use the fire, water, earth, and wind attributes. Things like that."

Morgan asked, "Um, yeah, and how will you prove it?"

"Well let me first explain the Power System. First is the 'Beginner-Stage' in which you will start to feel the mana around you and absorb it.

"Second is the 'Medium-Stage' in which you will finally be able to manifest your mana into its physical form, but it is still way too weak.

"The third is 'High-Stage' in which you finally reach quite an expertise of that element or attribute you have an affinity to.

"The fourth stage is called the 'King Potential' in which you will be able to use two different elements, but just because I am saying you will be able to, it doesn't mean you easily unlock your powers. From this point on, if you want to improve, you will need to work two times harder.

"The fifth stage is the one where things get interesting!

"The fifth stage is the 'Queen-Potential' in which you will be able to use two elements and a 'Transcendental' spell.

"What I mean by transcendental is what you hear, you transcend the normal into the abnormal. It does not matter if any laws of the world exist, with this you can turn it the other way around as if they didn't exist at all.

"You can walk in the air as you do on the ground, you can stay without breathing for hours, you can make your body surpass its highest limits, and you can become invisible. It just depends on what you have an affinity for.

For example, Sean."

"Sean!?" all of them said the name of the person in question.

"Yes, Sean, He is a 'Peculiar Potential' which I was just about to get to, the 'Peculiar Potential'. The sixth stage is one of the two strongest potentials to ever exist, you can become a quadra-elemental mage, but it is unknown how many transcendental spells you can create."

Most of them were shocked to hear so.


"Damn it, it's always the smart guys!"


I heard complaints, compared to them Jeremy was listening with high attentiveness and ushered me to go on, "So, which is the last potential?"

A smirk formed on my lips, the guy who didn't believe anything earlier, is now asking for more information.

I scoffed once more, "The last and the strongest potential is the 'Transcendent-Potential' in which you transcend being a human and its realm.