To Find the Lost, I

"I acknowledge you all as my Magic Disciples!" I exclaimed proudly.

"Will you?!"


Most of the guys here were in disbelief that they would be able to learn this type of stuff.

"That means you will teach us magic and stuff, right?" Jeremy muttered just so I could hear him.

"Yes, that is correct. Though, if you've seen fantasy movies with magic it would be easier for you all since the concept is rather the same." I started explaining while clenching and unclenching my new hands to get used. It feels weird to be saying new hands but, nothing I can do about it, it is what it is.

"Oh, the type where you have to meditate and stuff to be able to suck in magic, right? I heard Billy talk from across the room.

"Bing-bong, correct answer!" I agreed, pointing both of my index fingers towards him.

I continued, "Just because I told you that I would teach you magic, doesn't mean that there are no risks included."

"Huh?" Morgan raised his eyebrows at my words.

"Just what I said. You will probably meet dangerous people and have life or death situations, but even so, will you get these powers or not?" I voiced the dangers in a low tone.

Immediately after, I continued with a bright tone, "Well, that is that. I'll give you some time to think it over, but, whatever you do, don't tell anyone of this." I ended the sentence with an icy tone.

Jeremy said, "We will think it over." as he agreed with my words. Sudden quietness took over the room, clearly the awkwardness visible to all of us.

In these soundless moments, my thoughts immediately went back to Sean and Layla. He hasn't visited me since that day. I wonder what he's doing. Luke has been coming here every day, telling me about how it was going

"Well guys, I'm kind of tired for today…" I trailed off. It is a fact that I was exhausted after using that type of Transcendental Spell.

"Yeah, we were just about to go home soon, right?" said Jean with a strained smile.

"Yes." Agreed Angus.

Suddenly the sliding door was shoved aside and Luke's head popped outside from it.

"Oh, you all are gathered here, great!" spoke Luke.

I greeted him with a hand wave. "Yo, how are you doing?"

Taken aback, Luke worded out "Huh, y-your hands!?"

"I know the doctor said it might be impossible to use them again, but you know, my wounds always healed fast, ever since I was a kid." I mouthed with a wide grin.

"B-but how?!" Luke continued to question his sight.

"I know the doctor said it might be impossible to use them again, but you know, my wounds—wait I already said this once! Well, yeah, it just so happened to be."

"Oh, okay, let me go take a break outside…" Luke left the room lifelessly, dragging his feet because of the shock he received.

"Haha, hahahahah…" I heard a laugh come from the boys.

"Pff, what was that?"

"Haha, are you guys following a script?" I heard several laughs and comments from them. I don't know what was so funny, but I guess it might've seemed like a funny interaction.

After they calmed down I raised my voice "Welp, I guess until he comes back, I'll have you guys accompany me here."

I heard Jeremy "Yeah, we'll wait a little more."

I started thinking about something… Maybe, yeah I should, "Thank you, guys…" I muttered and attracted their attention.

"Having you all here, made these hard times a little more… bearable. For that, I wanted to thank you for being here." I bowed a little, while still sitting in the bed.

"Y-you don't have to thank us, after all, it's normal for f-f-friends to help each other in times of need," the flustered Morgan spoke.

"Hey, where is your arrogant self, why are you acting all sentimental now…" I saw Billy evading my eyes while muttering like that.

"Friends…" Yeah, I have friends. Sean's words resounded in my head, "Just know, that you're not alone." I am not alone, it took time to realize such a simple thing.

The door once more opened, this time with more power and a shouting Luke came inside this time "WAIT, WAIT, I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING IMPORTANT."

"Huh, what is it?" I asked calmly.

Luke, still panting relayed the words that would constantly repeat in my head for the next days "Layla… is still alive!"


"Layla… is still alive!" I heard the proclamation from Luke.

What…? "Huh?" I tried to say something but only questions popped up in my mind.

But how? I thought to myself.

I saw her get impaled from her back, I saw her blood gushing out, and I saw the trail of blood reddening the snow.

How and how, again and again.

Am I hearing correctly? Did I hear that correctly? Layla… That Layla is alive?!

"L-Luke…You're not lying right...?" I gave a probing look at him.

Luke clarified, "I swear to god that I'm not lying. That's why I came here rushing today, but then the shock of your hands being healed made my mind and body go slack.".

"W-where is she?" My voice came out more quivering than I wanted it to.

Luke avoided the question and continued, "I'll tell you more about it when you get better, right now you're not in a situation where you can travel or go through hardships."

Travel, hardships? What is he talking about?

I glared at him and pulled out some awkward words, "D-don't worry, I got to tell Sean too about this, he… still doesn't know yet."

"Why did you trail off there? Did something happen to Sean?" I asked with a curious look.

"Well, that guy isn't well with these situations. Ever since he visited you that day, he's been locked up in his room and won't talk to me." He got his point crossed to me.

"I have to give him a good scolding when I get home… right?" I muttered softly with the corners of my lips slightly up, and just enough for no one to hear me.

I said my goals loudly, "It is okay, I guess I'll be discharged from the hospital soon, get all the information I can from you, and beat Sean's ass, so his head gets in the right way."

I took a pause from that triumphant proclamation, calmness, and then spoke again.

"Well guys, I'm kind of tired... So, if you can leave now I would appreciate it."

"Yeah, we'll be waiting for you." Luke replied with a smile as he trotted towards the door, "Get better soon!"


"Get better soon!"

"We'll wait for our lessons!"

Jeremy, the last one to leave turned back to face me.

"Great news… right? Thank God, now you won't have to feel guilty for a life lost…" The first part of the sentence was hearable, while he just muttered so I couldn't understand him in the end. I did.

"Thank you." I appreciated his concern, and the door closed.

Dead calmness took over the room


Thank God.

"T-thank…" I tried to say thank god, but the lump in my throat didn't allow me to. My chest tightened and my eyes burned.

My newly created hand started clutching the surface of where my heart was hidden under.

My eyes were blurry, my heart was hurt and happy at the same time, and the only sounds in the room were my bawls and sniffs.

Thank you, Thank you, God. For not taking my only treasure and will to live from this world. Thank you, for keeping her alive. Thank you, for giving me another chance, thank you that I didn't make up my mind and give up on this life. Thank you…


After what seemed an eternal time of crying silently and thanking God, I calmed down.

Still unbelieving of the fact, that the being who made my life better was not gone. That I could still see her, I could still hold her, and I could still spend time with her. It all seemed unreal.

Could this also be a chance for revenge? Darkening thoughts started to overtake my mind.

No, Layla is alive.

I, no longer have a reason to take the lives of those people.

Ah, Layla, my love, I hope we meet as soon as possible.