Prophecy Fulfilled, VI

Elias Ayla POV:

Hmm, surprisingly… death is calmer than I had expected it to be.

It is calm, it is quiet, and it is peaceful.

I like how it is here.

I have no worries.


Hah, I scoffed to myself. 

Who am I to call my comrade worries? I thought in contempt.

Meh, there is no reason to contemplate such stuff currently.

Won't I go to heaven or hell, though?

Won't I be able to meet my mother and brother?

It's still too early, isn't it? I still didn't manage to save Layla after all.

Ah, Layla, why did I have to fall so hard for you that a simple scrape of my knee wouldn't be enough?

Why did I have to fall so deep in love with your raven eyes to the point I risk my life every day?

Why did I fall so much in love with you to the point you are constantly in my mind?

Layla… Please, tell me… Did my love reach you?