The Academy of Hecate

After less than a minute of flying, the gate of the Academy came into view. I landed a few feet from the entrance and turned off the flight mode. I walked to the gate, and many people were in line to get in. A demon and a beast stood guarding the entrance. I got in line to enter, but people started to whisper about me. I didn't know why they were looking—maybe it was how I was dressed—but I kept calm and stood in line.

Then a beast man approached and started talking to me.

"Hi, my name is Caine. It is my first time seeing a human entering the Academy. Are you here to take the entrance exam?" asked the beast man.

This Caine seemed somewhat of an oddball—while everyone else stayed away from me, he just started talking to me casually.

"My name is Reth, and yes, it's my first time here, but I'm here to find a place to sleep," I replied.

Caine started to laugh.

"My friend, they won't let you in unless you take part in the exam."

"Okay, what kind of an exam is it?"

"Magic, of course," he said.

My magic was infinite. I had never practiced magic before, but the exam should be easy. I hadn't planned to take it, but it should be fine.

While I was conversing with Caine, the line got shorter, and it was my turn to get in. The two guards, like other people, started to whisper in front of me. Then the demon guard spoke.

"Human, are you here to take the entrance exam?" the guard asked.

"Yes, it's my first time here. What do I need to do to take the entrance exam?"

"You must sign in first, then take the exam inside," he explained.

The other guard started to ask questions.

"What is your name, and where did you come from?"

"My name is Reth. I'm from—"

My lips froze. I didn't know what to say. Then I heard the voice of Typhon coming from inside of my head.

"Master, say you are from Moonshine. It's the capital of the human kingdom."

"Your name is Reth—where are you coming from?" the beast guard asked, more forcefully.

"I'm coming from Moonshine," I replied.

"Moonshine, you say? It's been a long time since we received people from the human capital."

The demons are at war with the humans and the magical beast race, but right now, it doesn't seem like it, I thought.

[This Academy Doesn't Discriminate Between Races, And It's Open To Everyone With Talent In Magic, But Humans Barely Have Talented People Nowadays Due To War With The Demons.]

Fahima's voice rang out inside of my head. So humans didn't usually attend the Academy. I wasn't really human, but right now, I was in my human form.

"Reth, you can head in now, but be careful in the Academy halls," said the magical beast guard.

I didn't know what he was talking about, but if things got out of hand, I could always summon my followers.

The demon guard started to chant a magic spell, and when he finished, the gate of the Academy opened. Then I heard the footsteps of someone pacing behind me.

"Reth, wait for me. Do you even know where you're going?" Caine asked.

He was right—I didn't know where the academy held the entrance exams.

"Caine, can you show me where the exam halls are?"

"Please, follow me this way," he said, pointing to the left of the gate.

I followed behind Caine, and a minute later, a vast white building came into view. The beautiful structure hovered over the ground, and the elements of magic were on full display. On top of the building was a sign with the words "Entrance Exam" written on it.

Then Caine's voice rang out again.

"We have arrived—let's go in."

Like before, the door opened and we walked in. The interior of the building was even more beautiful than the outside. The walls were decorated with gold and silver. It looked more like a kingdom's palace than an Academy, and it showcased more magic elements. I could hear people chatting inside.

"Reth, it was nice meeting you, but I must let my grandpa know I'm here. If you have any questions, please go to the reception hall," said Caine.

"Before you go, is there any place I can grab something to eat?"

"Yes, please head upstairs. There should be a dining hall on the right side of the stairs."

I said my goodbyes to Caine and headed off. After minutes of walking, I arrived at the stairs and began my climb, but I was magically lifted off the ground and landed up the stairs. I would have liked to walk up them, but it didn't matter now.

"Fahima, what kind magic was that?"

[It Is A Low Tier Air Spell.]

Interesting—I would have to learn different types of magic, and being in this Academy would hopefully improve my knowledge of the fundamentals.

I continued my walk to the dining hall. As Caine had said, it was located on the left side of the stairs. A moment later, I reached the entrance gate to the hall. I opened the door and walked in to find the dining room packed with demons and a magical beast eating and drinking.

The movement the door opened, unpleasant stares and whispers started. The atmosphere soon grew silent, and due to the negative emotions in the room, the temperature began to drop. I could hear them whispering about me. I couldn't say I liked it when people whispered. If you have something to say, say it to a person's face.

"It's a human. What is he doing here?" said one of the diners.

"Does he have a death wish? He's either stupid or brave to dive into the tiger's den," said another.

The whispers started up again, and I began to walk toward the food, but as soon as I took a step, I heard another voice.

"Human, you should leave before you get hurt—your race isn't welcome here." It was a demon.

"What happens if I refuse?" I asked.

"You will die."