Naming Ceremony. Part 4

2 days ago back on earth, Viktor wasn't sure what was bothering him. He couldn't sleep inside his time-accelerated trap right after he told Adonis that they would leave at 12. 

Viktor knew his ability to predict the future wasn't on the same level as other gods, but he always gets a clue of what might happen even if there was a 0.00001% chance. That's why he looked through the oddest possibility millions of times and prepared beforehand.

The mental barrier cube was also one of them.

Viktor also knew what might happen if he left Adonis to attain his naming ceremony first, so he convinced him and told him to wait for a week. 

By that, he could tell what to do and not to do in the ceremony.

Viktor looked at his future again for the 44th time and thought, 'If I tell Adonis to let the pure mana get inside his body, Mors will get kidnapped by the temple. If I don't, Adonis will just fight against it and not let a drop of Qi get inside his body.