Everyone is his enemy

But he just killed a demigod just like that? She was on the same level as Mors. Just how powerful he is? 

Viktor stared at Kobayashi while having dinner on the table in the middle of a deep forest. He was also surprised by how kind he was towards his friends and how cruel he acts towards those who he doesn't care about. He just killed a demigod in the blink of his eye.

Viktor then said, "Kobayashi, how long are you going to stay in Helsia?"

"For some years. Then I have to visit the guardian realm for official work. But when are you going to enter the tower?"

Adonis then said, "I am totally unaware of this matter. Master, can you please tell me what's going on? I'm facing trouble trying to understand your conversation."

"His territory is in danger. I'm the only volunteer who's willing to help. But in exchange, our group will be getting VIP security from Kobayashi until the succession tournament."