His business

Adonis, Mors and Ifrit. They were the only people ever to receive special training from a great god. Kobayashi was a god who'd never receive anyone as his disciple without any special reason.

But since his territory was in danger and Viktor was the only person who could help him, Kobayashi had no choice but to listen to his words. He accepted them as his disciple and promised Viktor to protect them in exchange for 10 infinity mana stones. 

It was a win-win deal so he had no problem accepting it.

But his curiosity made him impatient. Ever since he got to know that Adonis was Viktor's taboo creation, he wanted to dig deeper into the case and find out who Viktor was. 

To do that, he separated those three and kept them under surveillance. Most of his focus was on Adonis but since he had a god-level barrier magic spell cast inside his body, Kobayashi couldn't manipulate him.