Undead golem

9 hours left until the sunset of Saturday. Viktor was rushing towards the chamber of the golem army by floating on his staff with a huge gun on his back. He was surprised to see the tower wasn't erasing it as a cheat weapon so he was happy. Also, it was his first time using his weapon in gun form. He wanted to try it out so using it against the army of golems was the best choice.

Since he went so deep inside the dungeon, it took him an hour to get back to the surface and to reach inside the golem chamber. The moment he went inside, the golems finally moved. They all noticed Viktor's unique demonic presence and targeted him as their enemy.

'Now they are finally moving, huh? Did their system evaluate me as their enemy? If that's the case, I'm going to sit back right here, cast a sturdy barrier and use my weapon from here."