Radium The Fat Cat. [Part 2]

'My curiosity has no limitation. The more I discover, the more I want to dig deep, the more I want to create new.

Even after having access to all low-tier genius demigods who invented things that defied the laws of nature, I wanted to create something on my own.'

'Everything I use or made was something created way before I was born. I just read their records and reinvented their creations. 

That goes the same for the nectar machine but I'm upgrading it with current technology. 

So, I wanted to create something of my own. I looked through all the records again and found out most of them created magic items, magic scrolls, heavenly foods, all of them were related to either weaponry or things that help the mortals or immortals to live a great life. 

Except for the god of dungeons.