Hero's death. 1

The time was running faster. To complete his extra quest, he had to change almost every maids' servants' memory and set an anti-charm stone deep inside the imperial palace to prevent the saint from using her power.

Since the system called 009 told him not to use his power on the heroes that have the potential of harming the main quest, he had to change the reality around him.

Changing reality is something a mortal can't do or even if he manages to do, he has to face a big consequence. Because a man is not a god and every mortal has weaknesses. 

But the term 'weakness' only applies to mortals so it wasn't a big deal to Viktor.

With his fragment, changing a mortal's reality was child's play to him.

But he was a demigod that had some weaknesses which can be harmed by gods more powerful than him. Furthermore, he was already tied with a King god's spell so getting out of there was basically impossible unless he meets the requirements.