Yir's affection.

That evening at 6:32.

Viktor went inside a restaurant to taste some dishes made of monster meat. Since he had an important meeting with Yir, he wanted to spend the rest of his time eating rather than being serious. Because the meeting wasn't that important to him. It was important to Yir. 

He took a seat beside the window and looked at the menu to check if there was anything good to eat. At that moment, Yir entered the restaurant with a box. He had just come back from Helsia after meeting Adonis. He was running an errand. 

"Lord Viktor, I am back," he took a seat in front of him and again said, "Lord Adonis told me to deliver this box to you safely. He said there is an item inside that you need to check. He also told you to destroy the item if it's harmful."

"When did you go to Helsia?" Viktor asked while figuring out what to order because the menu was just too big. Everything looked delicious so he was facing difficulty picking some.