The Mourning Ceremony. Part 3

Almost two months had passed after Adonis came to Yerth and walked around as Futaba, attending classes and ignoring everyone in his house after he apologised even though he did nothing wrong.

He did that so everyone would leave him alone when he is at home. But one of his family members was trying to get closer to him after finding out the truth. 

His little brother Yuta Adachi. A 2nd-year high school student who studies in a different yet popular school. After finding out his brother wasn't a bad person as he thought, he started to hold a conversation with him every time they had dinner together but failed. 

Futaba kept his head down and ate his meals in peace and Yuta kept asking about so many things. But Futaba was in his world like he always did. He kept silent, ate his meal and left without saying anything.