My name. Part 2

To fight a barbarian, you need to fight like a barbarian as well. That is the type of conclusion Viktor came up with after calculating the chances of his survival in the upcoming war.

The nectar potion was a mandatory element of his quick growth but the war was near. And there were too many things to complete while preparing for the war and then the tournament. His to-do list was already cramped with missions and other things. 

So, he went inside his laboratory to short out things while taking care of the gruesome machine he built. 

At first, he thought only metallic parts and his 4th system could take care of it. But seeing the drastic fall of the potion output made him super frustrated. There was no plan working as he hoped and nothing was working even after he followed so many unknown God's records but suddenly, he thought of something else.

'Why don't I creat Bio-AI?'