<ERASE> Part 1

'Raphael turned 92 years old this year. It's been a long time, quite a long time after he fell asleep to be precise. He is showing no sign of waking up and his body is always in bad shape.

Due to my healing magic, he has been keeping up with the process. I can also feel his divine Qi turned 1 stage a decade ago but after that, he stopped growing and focused on his brain development.

Raphael is an old god who lived for millions of years before his death. He has more than trillions of information stored in his record and that's what is taking him so long to wake up. His brain is busy downloading all those memories but the weight it's carrying is too much for his brain, leading his life to grave danger. But I'm here, sitting and healing him for almost 5 decades. I better say I have godly patience. Sitting in the same spot and doing the same thing for almost 5 decades, I should give myself an award.'