Born as a fool : Part 2

"Doctor Liang! Doctor Liang!"

After eating, huang was clearing the dishes when the village chief's voice sounded outside the yard.

The old man walked into the yard, opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

"Old Huang, is Doctor Liang in your house?" the village chief said.

The old man shook his head and said, "Huang ji is much better now. Every morning, he goes to the doctor Liang's clinic for medical treatment. It is not necessary for Doctor Liang to come here".

The village chief frowned and said: "In the morning? Dr. Liang disappeared early in the morning. It is now night. She hasn't returned yet. The door of the clinic is not locked. I wonder if she is all right. If she is not in your house then. . ."

Huang ji falls unconscious from time to time, so Dr. Liang would often come to Huang's house to help and sometimes stayed there to eat.

Huang ji fell unconscious last week. After waking up, he ran to the yard and stared at the moon, his face was very sad.

He didn't look at the moon after that but the the old man still invited Dr. Liang to see him at home , after all he was unconscious for a period of time. This happened just few days ago so now that Dr. Liang is missing, the village head first headed to Huang's house.

Huang ji stepped forward and said honestly, "Sorry grandpa, I lied to you. I didn't go to Dr. Liang this morning."

"You have learned to lie!" The old man was furious. His grandson had never lied to anyone, but he would lie to him now!

Huang ji apologized: "I'm sorry grandpa, I don't have any disease, I'm already healed. Dr. Liang is very busy, she is already under a lot of pressure , I didn't want to bother her every day."

"Why are you not sick! Doctor Liang said that you are not fine... In short, you do not know whether your ok or not until the doctor says it! I believed that liar fortune teller back then and didn't take you to the doctor earlier I wont repeat the same mistake again!" The old man was agitated. He felt a little guilty after saying these.

As a matter of fact, the diseases of Huang ji are all congenital and cannot be cured even if he had gone earlier. The cause of the coma had not been found out yet. Even if they had seen a doctor earlier it would have made no difference. But the old man still felt that it was his fault.

Especially last week, Dr. Liang even secretly told him that the child was mentally ill . This made the old man feel even more guilty, thinking that he had not raised his grandson well .

Regarding the old man's words, Huang ji just smiled and obediently helped his grandfather sit down . The old man is getting older, and his respiratory tract is also suffering from problems. After saying these many things he got a little out of breath.

Huang ji said: "Grandpa, you can rest at home. I will accompany the village chief to see Doctor Liang. Although I am stupid, I can still run errands."

The old man sat on the stool, took a breath, nodded and said, "Go, Doctor Liang has taken care of you so many times. Chief Fan, let my grandson follow you and run errands , he is not so stupid as to mess this up. I hope that Doctor Liang is fine..."

The village chief nodded, and hurriedly took the boy away.

The two of them walked along the road and asked the same thing door to door.

They didn't even get a clue to after asking most of the villagers, a big living person just disappeared.

The folks in the village also felt that something was wrong: "Did you call the phone?"

"Called, it was shut down," the village chief said.

"Will she go back to her hometown?" someone said.

The head of the village shook his head. Dr. Liang graduated from the Capital Medical University. Although I don't know why she came to work in this poor rural area, she has good medical skills, is kind, and treats people very well. Anyone who has a minor illness in the village will look for her.

She has a very regular life, and she never fails to leave without telling anyone. This is suspicious since it is impossible for someone like her to leave one day without even locking the door. That's why everyone is suspecting something went wrong.

"Uncle!" Suddenly, a young policeman arrived on a small motorcycle. He was the policeman from the town police station. The village chief of Huazhuang Village was his uncle.

The village chief said solemnly: "Wang Meng, why are you the only one here ?"

"Doctor Liang has only been missing for more than a dozen hours, and she is an adult . I can't just open a case. Maybe she went out to have fun?" Police Wang Meng said helplessly.

"Impossible, it is impossible for someone like Doctor Liang to go out without the door locked, something must have happened." said the village chief.

Wang Meng said, "Well I am the only one here to help for now"

"Huh? Huang Ji, won't you faint when you go out at night?"

He saw the boy beside the village chief. Huang ji was just a kid who would faint at the sight of the moon so he was surprised to see him here.

Huang ji shook his head and said: "I'm fine now as long as I don't see the moon I won't faint."

"Well! That's great." Wang Meng smiled.

Among the young people, most of them call him fool, only the friendly ones call him Huang Ji.

Wang Meng worked as a army soldier with that he got a job as a policeman in the village after he returned. One time Huang ji fainted in Junior High School ,Wang meng used his car to send him back to the village.

Wang Meng has always been very friendly to Huang Ji and treats him like his own little brother , and he often gives him delicious food.

Knowing that Huang Ji would not faint as long as he doesn't look at the moon, he felt really happy.

But now, it is important to find Dr. Liang.

Wang Meng continued to accompany the village chief, inquiring from house to house.

However, the whole village had been asked but no one had seen Doctor Liang today.

Still, the village head wants to go to her house to find if the door is locked or not and wants to pick it if it is locked .

But Wang Meng said: "No, I don't know if Dr. Liang is missing for sure, we can't just pick the lock and enter her house."

"Cant you see that she is missing till now !! This is definitely abnormal . I definitely think he got abducted " the village chief said angrily.

Wang Meng said: "There are no witnesses currently, and the missing time is still very short. Maybe she went to the city for an emergency. who knows? I can't let you pick someone's lock especially not Doctor Liang, a high-achieving student who values ​​privacy."

As he said that the three of them plus a few enthusiastic villagers had already reached the door of the clinic . Dr. Liang's residence was right next to the clinic.

Dr. Liang's house was locked, but the clinic door was not locked. Everyone looked inside to see if there were any messages from Dr. Liang.

  Huang Ji did not follow them but stood at the door, staring at the concrete road in front of the door, his eyes followed a certain trajectory, looking all the way to the end of the road.

He can see what ordinary people can't see, and perceive what ordinary people can't perceive.

After observing the scene fully, he looked at the old tree on the side of the road not far away, and whispered to himself: "There was another person...Li Fan, an eyewitness."

At this moment, Wang Meng walked out of the clinic . He smiled when he saw Huang Ji standing on the side of the road in a daze.

He is used to Huang Ji often standing in a daze so he stepped forward and said, "You can go back and rest early. I am the policeman . Leave this to me, I'll make sure that Dr. Liang is fine."

Wang Meng knew that Huang Ji had a good relationship with Doctor Liang, but he doesn't think Huang Ji can help in this situation. He mainly said these just to coax Huang ji home.

However, Huang Ji suddenly raised his head and said, "One person should have seen it."