Pressure from the stars : Part 1

"Rest early grandpa."

"Dr. Liang is such a good person, without her you would still faint when seeing the moon .why does such a thing have to happen to her?"

"Good deeds will definitely be rewarded, she must be fine."

"You should take a break too."

"Yes ,I will go to bed after washing the dishes"

After Huang Ji went back to his home his grandpa learned from him that Dr. Liang had been kidnapped. So he began to worry.

But there is no use in being worried. The police have already started to investigate this matter, he can only pray for Doctor Liang's well being.

Huang Ji helped his grandfather go to bed, and then went to clean up all the dishes in the kitchen.

After doing this, I walked to the yard and looked up at the sky. He already heard his Grandfather starting to snore .

The old man has already fell asleep.

"Why... let me feel so much..."

Huang Ji stared at the moon, his expression was complicated, he was helpless and in despair, but he still carried a trace of hope.

This kind of complicated expression is something he could have never had in the past especially with his mental problems.

Since he fell unconscious six days ago, his intelligence has returned to normal levels.

He is definitely not a person with normal mental retardation.

The world in front of him is like a huge database of information! There are complex information everywhere, some of which remain unchanged, and some are constantly changing.

He didn't know what is what, a flower, a tree, a bird, a worm, a breeze, and a glass of clear water all revealed himself to him in the form of parametric data.

However, he could not understand anything.

For concepts that he did not understand the information did not help him to automatically understand. For example, the age of a tree, when he did not understand the concept of 'age', the information about age was chaotic.

Only when Huang Ji knew the concept like age, "year, month and day", "a tree should have age", "how long has it been since this tree was a sapling".

When he was looking at the information of a tree, only a small part could be perceived . the data to him was like 'age: seven years, three months, twenty days, nine hours, and forty-four minutes, one second...'

Every moment, this information is changing.

The type of tree, the volume of the tree, the quality of the tree, how many molecules does the tree have at this moment... how much water does it absorb? the time of its germination ,how many fruits did it bear in its lifetime? From the moment it was planted he could perceive everything about it. It's like an extremely detailed autobiography.

There are a huge amount of information like these.

He can even know who planted this tree. How many people have touched it, and how many bugs have gnawed on it. But these kind of weird information's were the direct cause of his mental retardation.

It is precisely because of this innate ability that he became mentally retarded for 16 years.

How much information he can perceive depends on his own cognitive ability.

Just after birth he didn't understand anything, the whole world was completely an unknown to him, there were countless information that couldn't be understood.

This perception caused a strong reaction, so strong that it was unbearable for a baby.

Countless information filled his brain and overloaded it.

In that situation, he got extremely dull, with very poor memory, and very poor eyesight.

In other words, the poor eyesight was because the heavy amount of information needed to be obscured from the eyes to stop seeing these chaotic and complicated information.

During the intelligence tests, reaction tests, he was confused. What the doctor wanted him to do, he didn't know... In the eyes of the doctor, it was definitely an intellectual deficit.

In fact, he was very smart in some aspects. He can understand the concept of "parents" when he was only four or five years old, and understand that he should learn to speak...understand the difference between himself and others...

Yes, it is a miracle to understand these at the age of four or five especially with his innate ability holding him back.

The world that a person sees is different from person to person, and it will be extremely difficult to know the world of someone else especially if they were differently abled.

It would be like teaching a blind person, what is purple...what is red...

The original Huang ji was no different than a blind person.

Fortunately, as his body and his brain developed, he gained more and more control over his abilities.

When he was four years old, he started to understand how to compress the information, essentially blocking the unintelligible information's by default.

Of course, although only a small part can be blocked, but at least now it was no longer completely clogging his brain.

After that, the more mature the body became, the more he could block.

In addition to blocking unknown information, as Huang Ji's knowledge increased, he could also block the information that has already been understood.

This is also the reason why he was able to get at least 50 IQ when he saw the doctor at the age of four and a half.

Yes, if the old man did not listen to the fortune teller, and had gone earlier to the doctor his evaluation would have been much worse.