Arrested : Part 2

After a few days, a large group of police officers with some old men came to the village.

The villagers looked at them strangely, wondering if the case has not been closed yet.

Only Huang Ji was very calm. The moment these people came here, he saw their purpose...

They have come to find the golden Buddha.

Liang Yuan's parents have been arrested, and they have confessed to their crime. Today, the police brought someone to identify the location of the stolen goods.

Huang Ji was not surprised by this.

After their daughter was kidnapped, the parents just ran away. This is suspicious. What's more, in the ransom letter, 'Lu Zongmin' specifically requested that Liang Yuan's parents had to be exchanged for her life.

So, the police would never allow the couple to just run away.

Huang Ji was next to Wang Meng. Wang Meng told him: "Those two were arrested before leaving the province. Now they have no choice but to spill everything. They said that four million were spent, and only a few hundred thousand were left. The Buddha statue is hidden under the reservoir. So someone has come to appraise it!"

Huang Ji looked strange at his words.

After that, he approached the other police officers and surveyed the nearby terrain. By feeling the information, he quickly understood what happened more clearly than Wang Meng.

No, even better than all the policemen present.

Four million spent? It's seems like they were not honest at all.

The Golden Buddha is very important. It is an important cultural relic that is forbidden to trade. Those old men are also here to assist in excavation and identifying the statue.

The couple did honestly explain, but it was nonsense that all four million were spent. They only took one million to spend while in hiding, and the remaining three million were buried in another location.

He has to say, the couple were very cunning, it seems that they had made multiple preparations, and did not put all the eggs in one basket.

The golden Buddha and money were not together. Once they had been caught, they confessed about the more important golden Buddha, but lied that the money was already mostly spent.

In reality, there is still 3 million left. They just had to wait till the end of their sentence, then find a chance to dig it out, so that they would be considerably well off.

"Three million." Huang Ji looked somewhere on the other side of the reservoir.

There, two meters underground, there was a three million safe box buried!

No one can hide these facts from Huang Ji.

The couple pointed to a certain spot on the pond, and the police took a few photo's for reference. After that, several people from the museum immediately drained the small reservoir and excavated the statue.

During the whole process, although the couple seemed to be focused on place where the Golden Buddha was buried, their thought's were entirely on the three million on the other side..

Huang Ji didn't need to perceive these information for too long, and soon knew the exact location of the money.

However, Huang Ji didn't say anything about this to anyone.

Although it was stolen money, Huang Ji had already decided to use it for his own purposes.

In fact, he has no reasonable explanation as to why he knew this secret.

Since it was like that, it was better not to say anything. Besides, could this money be used for a better cause than what he wants to use it for, by the couple? Obviously not.

Huang Ji looked at the sky. This world is too complicated. Human beings are being kept in captivity by an alien civilization but the world seems to be ignorant of its existence.

Knowing this secret, he must do something, and this must require a lot of money.

Although Huang Ji knows that he could obtain money in countless ways, why would he refuse this free money.

This case has been closed. The police would not pursue this money, so it would be better to use it as his start-up capital.

As for the letter, the sly guy Lu Zongmin has already acknowledged that he wrote it.

When Lu Zongmin found out that there was such an ironclad evidence against him, and Liang Yuan and many other witnesses, in order to reduce his sentence by using this to his advantage, he said: " I wanted to get rid of Wang Zhen and Hu Feng's 'control', so I had deliberately left this letter with my real name, hoping that the police would find me".

Compared to Wang Zhen and Hu Feng, Lu Zongmin is a cunning and smart person. He has made himself look like he wanted to surrender during the whole kidnapping operation, and so he wrote those letters with his real name on it. In this way, he impressed the judges.

This was also what his lawyer suggested to him. Even if the reason is far-fetched, the lawyer still has room to use this to reduce his sentence.

Huang Ji also obtained this information later by sensing the 'information' of the people present during the judgement.

Although the police felt that the reasoning was suspicious, they couldn't figure out any other reason for the signature on the letter. They didn't want to pursue this anymore anyway.

The reason is very simple, because the result was already satisfactory.

Everyone was arrested, and now as long as the things were retrieved, the case is over. No one cares about this small issue in the case.

"As long as the result is good, then everyone will take the initiative to give themselves some made up explanations for unimportant issues." Huang Ji sighed, and remembered this experience.

Although the police didn't think much about the letter of blackmail, Huang Ji still felt that he did not tie all loose ends.

"Its seems like I am still a fool."

At that time, Huang Ji couldn't think of a better way to remind the police, so he wrote a letter 'instead' of the kidnapper.

Of course, he used a paper he picked up on the ground, and he did not leave any normal clues like fingerprint or his own handwriting.

Huang Ji knew that there were no traces on that paper that can lead back to him . He checked each information about that paper by himself after all.

Unless the police also have a person who can use information perception, it would be impossible to know who wrote that letter.