Internet Data : Part 1

"I can finally do what I want now."

Huang Ji ultimately ended up on a train towards Shanghai. Even though school started in September, Fan Lingli and Zheng Xuan had to go back to work within the week. Thus, on April 20th, the three of them got on a train headed for Shanghai.

Since he was going to attend school, it was best to grow accustomed to life in the city earlier. They believed Huang Ji was probably still unfamiliar with certain basic social norms, so they planned to have him stay in Shanghai for the next four months to familiarize himself.

Huang Ji was obviously in full agreement with this plan. His goal was never to attend school, he just wanted to get out and see the world.

"We'll have Huang Ji stay with you. You always have so much free time, make sure to teach him some stuff." said Fan Lingli.

"Um...Let's rent another place for him." Zheng Xuan was a bit troubled by this proposal. His real occupation was a hacker.

While Huang Ji had a mild intellectual disability, he still felt that taking care of him would be an inconvenience.

Fan Lingli shook her head, "What, you promised his grandfather you'd take care of him, and now you don't care anymore?"

"What about the place right across from me? I promise I'll take good care of him." Zheng Xuan tried to compromise.

Fan Linli narrowed her eyes, "What's the deal? Not like I've never been to your place before, you got some kind of treasure stashed there? Or maybe, it's inconvenient for him to be around when you bring another girl over for some fun?"

"What are you talking about! My place is just too small. You know what, forget it, just leave him to me!" said Zheng Xuan.

"His grandfather left him in our care, and he gave us the money. You've got to take this seriously."

"Leave it to me." Zheng Xuan said in confidence.

Fan Lingli nodded her head. She was always busy with work, but Zheng Xuan's job was easier, giving him a lot of free time.

That's why it was best to leave Huang Ji with him for the time being. Only after hearing Zheng Xuan's promise did she feel at ease.

Upon arriving at Shanghai, the two of them treated Huang Ji to a meal, and then took him to buy a cellphone and other daily necessities. At the end of the day, Zheng Xuan brought him home.

The moment they got back, Zheng Xuan called his landlord and rented the room opposite of him for Huang Ji. Like this, Huang Ji and him would live separately, each with their own private spaces.

He didn't explain his actions, but his motive was clear as day to Huang Ji. The only reason for this was because he didn't want anybody else seeing what he was doing.

Zheng Xuan had his secrets, but so did Huang Ji. He was happy with this arrangement.

"Do you see the 'private kitchen' down there? I usually order food from there, you can do the same. Just put it on my tab. You shouldn't run around though, just come over to my place and we'll eat together."

Zheng Xuan continued to explain a number of things to Huang Ji. When he finished, Huang Ji said, "I saw a Bookstore when we were coming up. I want to go check out some books."

"Sure, I'll go with you." Zheng Xuan took him downstairs.

This apartment was right by the street. It was surrounded by restaurants, bookstores, supermarkets, and anything else they needed.

When the two of them arrived at the bookstore, Huang Ji picked out a general knowledge book for children titled "I Wonder Why" and started reading.

Zheng Xuan smiled and picked out a book about economics, but he soon lost his patience after half an hour.

He looked towards Huang Ji to find that he hadn't moved from his spot at all. It appeared as though he was completely immersed in the sea of knowledge.

"He doesn't have any problems focusing his attention. In fact, his patience is even better than the average person" thought Zheng Xuan.

Not to mention he was the one to lose his concentration first as he looked around and paced back and forth. Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility that Huang Ji was just spacing out either...

He had reached the end of his patience, but he felt guilty rushing Huang Ji. He said, "We'll buy all the books you like and you can take them back to read."

Hearing this, Huang Ji smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of books I like yet...If you're busy you can go ahead. I'll be fine by myself."

Hearing this and seeing how well-behaved he was, he didn't seem like the type to run around and get in trouble.

Thinking about it, he nodded his head and said, "Then I'll head up first. Remember to come back for dinner. Actually, I'll come get you."

Huang Ji nodded his head. Zheng Xuan said a few more words and then left.

Watching Zheng Xuan return to the apartment, Huang Ji put down the book and walked straight out of the bookstore.

Walking over to the subway station, he checked the map, bought a ticket, and got on the train without any trouble. Never in his wildest dreams could Zheng Xuan have predicted that Huang Ji would just get out of the bookstore and leave on the subway.