Rumors : Part 1

Huang Ji first replied to him on the forum, asking him a few questions about aliens.

However, after waiting for a while, the person still hadn't replied. Scratching his head, Huang Ji continued reading the person's internet data.

"A QQ account? Username 'Commander Alvin'? What's this now?" Through an in-depth read of their account data, Huang Ji found out that the person had once sent a QQ message to a friend privately. He was still able to find it despite the fact that this message had already been deleted.

Because he was just looking at the data and not the actual account itself, Huang Ji had no way of finding any information related to this QQ account; but it didn't matter. With a quick search, Huang Ji soon learned about what this QQ account meant.

"Oh! It's this piece of software!"

He immediately clicked on the little penguin icon already on the desktop and registered an account following the instructions he'd found.

Once that was done, he used the search tool to find the person's QQ account. With this, he now had the actual account to observe!

Staring at the QQ account named, "Commander Alvin", and its profile picture, Huang Ji received a constant flow of information pertaining to this QQ account!

He came into direct knowledge of the account password, including the entire messaging history using this account.

It went without saying that Huang Ji was unable to read all of this data in a short period of time. Sensing a mountain of useless data, he blocked out the majority of it and chose to add him as a friend. He wanted to personally talk with him.

"Hm? A security question? What's my favorite video game?" Huang Ji blinked at the screen and then used two fingers to slowly type out three letters, "WOW". Done, that should do it.

Huang Ji took a sip of water and then went to the washroom. After waiting around again, the person still hadn't accepted his friend request. It was getting late and he still had to rush back to the bookstore.

And so, his solution was to directly log in to their QQ account! Once he finished manually adding himself, he logged out and waited for the person to log in again...

Huang Ji slowly typed, "Hello, I have a lot of interest in aliens and I have a couple of questions about what you said"

The moment he sent this message, a barrage of text was sent back to him.

"Go to hell you fucking hacker! What, these days even dogs can use the internet now? Don't you fucking friend me you disgusting mongrel! Calling you dog shit would be in an insult to dog shit!

"Take a look in a fucking mirror! What did aliens ever do to you? Why don't you go play with bubble wrap!

"Seriously, I've never seen a more retarded piece of shit than you in my life! You hack my account and then send me a message like you're trying to have some educational conversation? Who the hell do you think you are!

"What's wrong? Don't know how to type? Why you ain't sayin' nothin'? Someone in your family go off to see Buddha?"

This giant chain of messages was fired at Huang Ji like a machine gun.

"???" Huang Ji was completely dumbfounded. His head was filled with questions marks as he was being roasted.

To make matters worse, this was his first time touching a keyboard. He was still unfamiliar with typing and couldn't reply with even a single message...

"Is this the internet..." Huang Ji stared at the screen. The person on the other side continued their wave of attacks as they became increasingly invested. They managed to fill the entire screen with insults without repeating a single line!

He tried to formulate a response numerous times, but each time he tried he was forced to delete his message.

By the time he'd typed just two words, the other person would have already sent at least three insults. Speechless towards the person's endless insults, Huang Ji thought about it for a moment before steadily type out a message.

"Dong An, can you shut up?"

"..." The person fell silent, and remained so for quite a while. He then sent over another string of messages, questioning Huang Ji about how he knew his name.

Along with the messages was a series of guesses, wondering if Huang Ji was his childhood friend, or maybe the administrator of the internet café.

Regardless of what he said, Huang Ji simply ignored him and continued typing with his two fingers, "Can you stop spamming now? I ask the questions, you answer."

Dong An refused to comply, typing away furiously and sending another wall of insults without even using a single swear word.

Annoyed by his behavior, Huang Ji silently sent over two rows of characters and numbers, they were the username and password of Dong An's World of Warcraft account...

Dong An fell silent again. Huang Ji smiled and continued typing, sending over the information of his main account and all of his alts.