Hidden Meridians : Part 1

Huang Ji had already returned to the bookstore below the apartment before dinner.

When Zheng Xuan came down to find him, he had already picked out a dozen books he wanted to buy.

Technical Drawing and The Fundamentals of Machinery were both foundational knowledge that he needed to have a firm grasp of.

Materials Science and Technology was something he had to study because all machine components were made of raw materials. Fundamentals of Mechanics was also very important.

The design of mechanical products had to conform to the basic principles of mechanics. Even though he'd learnt a bit of physics in middle school, that bit of knowledge barely scratched the surface of what he need to know.

In his thirst for knowledge, Huang Ji also bought a book titled Fundamentals of Mechanical Design.

Finally, based on the salesman's recommendation, the last book he bought was Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The machines of modern society were inseparable from electricity. To study machinery, he had to study electricity.

"What have we got here? Starting to study by yourself already? This stuff will all be taught once you enter the school. There's no need to buy them now." Zheng Xuan chuckled as he looked over Huang Ji's list of books.

Huang Ji answered woodenly, "But they're pretty interesting."

Zheng Xuan shrugged his shoulders and paid the bill.

Huang Ji's grandfather had prepared a large sum of money for Huang Ji's stay in the city.

It was all placed with Zheng Xuan and Fan Lingli for safekeeping. As a result, Zheng Xuan simply paid for whatever Huang Ji wanted to buy with that money.

The two of them returned to the apartment and had dinner. Once they were finished, Huang Ji promptly returned to his room to read. Zheng Xuan was content with how well-behaved he was and delved into his coding in his own room.

At his apartment, Huang Ji was flipping through the pages of a book. For him, learning was a joy, not a chore.

To begin with, he had to increase his level of knowledge to improve his control over his ability. This was simultaneously the basis for his plan to solve Earth's predicament, resulting in Huang Ji's passion for learning.

He was never able to properly study in school. Now that his intelligence had finally recovered, his thirst for knowledge could not be quenched.

The other reason he enjoyed learning was due to the impeccable memory that data perception bestowed him.

It couldn't even be called memory anymore, you could say that the universe was helping him record everything! Anything he'd every witnessed, even if he forgot, his "Personal Data" wouldn't.

As long as he was in a clear state of mind, he could search his own personal data.

Details that he hadn't even noticed or remembered at the time would be as clear to him as watching a movie when he went back to search his memories. It was like having photographic memory, but even clearer and more stable.

Even if he lost his memories and his mind was completely empty, his experiences wouldn't disappear. His personal data record, stored in whatever unknown form, would always exist...

Since his passion for learning and his memory were all perfect, all that was left was his comprehension ability.

In this regard, Huang Ji was just a normal person. His comprehension and intelligence were only slightly above average.

On the other hand, his ability to utilize the knowledge he'd acquired couldn't even be compared to a normal person.

An example of this was him grasping the concept of gravity. He understood the difference between 1000 grams and one kilogram, or more accurately, one kilogram-force; one was a measure of mass, while the other was a measure of weight.

With this concept in mind, he didn't even need to now the formula--Force=mass x gravity--to unlock a completely new piece of information, Gravitational Force.

With one look at a closet, Huang Ji could directly see that it was experiencing 2905.251...newtons of gravitational force.

If the closet was moved, the gravitational force it experienced would also be different. While it would only be an extremely negligible change, a difference was a difference.

This decimal change in force would be clearly reflected in the data Huang Ji perceived. His eyes had become an ultra precise scale!

Earth's surface gravity was commonly expressed simply as 9.8 m/s2, at times it was even rounded roughly to 10.

However, once Huang Ji had unlocked the concept of gravity, the result that he saw wasn't a simple multiple of 10 or 9.8, it was the precise gravitational force that object was experiencing at that exact moment!

Data perception wasn't a calculator or computer. The answer that he perceived was different from an answer calculated by pen and paper! What he saw was the raw, unfiltered data that was accurate up to the nth unknown decimal place!

The gravitational force he experienced while standing on his bed, or while standing on the ground, at his head, at his waist...this was all clear as day to Huang Ji.

Other than that, he had also unlocked related information such as weight and the speed of gravitational acceleration at different regions.

Regardless of where Huang Ji was, whether he was on the ground or in the air, at the South Pole or the Equator, he would be able to provide data of the utmost precision on even the slightest shifts in gravity.

Of course, gravitational data wasn't the main point. With such an accurate and unbiased tool to provide support, Huang Ji was, as a matter of fact, the worlds most powerful detector and formula tester.

Was a formula wrong? Was the current theory incomplete? Was there an error in any scientific constants?

All Huang Ji had to do was grasp the relevant knowledge, and as long as he was on the right track or there was no problem with the underlying knowledge, he would be able to unlock the true answer.

When he studied, he would never walk away empty handed. When he studied, he could immediately put to use the knowledge he'd acquired.

This greatly improved Huang Ji's comprehension ability, giving him a deeper understanding of gravity and providing him with an incredibly sound foundation.

Then, when he went on to study more advanced knowledge, the entire process would be as smooth as butter, allowing him to achieve twice the results with half the effort.

These factors culminated in the acceleration of his learning speed.

Starting from the very beginning and steadily acquiring knowledge, once Huang Ji had acquired a sufficient foundation, his learning speed would accelerate and he would shoot up towards an extremely advanced and sophisticated realm of knowledge.

In the quiet night, all that remained in Huang Ji's room was the sound of turning pages.

Word problems? Test questions? These were all completely meaningless to him. Huang Ji simply took breaks from time to time, standing up to stare at the distance and admire the Moon, or walking around in his room and perceiving the objects around him.

As he continued to consolidate the basics, this knowledge would truly belong to him once he fully grasped it.

Learning to apply the knowledge, and then using that knowledge to further improve his studying. Like this, Huang Ji immersed himself in the sea of knowledge.