Bioelectricity : Part 1

"That's it! That's how it is! There's no such thing as qi cultivation, the word 'qi' is way too misleading! It's electricity, that's what it is. The human body is filled with countless electrochemical signals. Everything from thinking to the coordination of organs all rely on electrical pulses."

Electricity was the energy that supported the activities of all living beings.

It was electrochemical signals which transmitted the brain's intentions to the rest of the body. From the internal organs to the muscles, their ability to function all relied on the ever-present electrochemical reactions.

Heat energy was required for the release of this bioelectricity, and the source of this heat were the cells at work in the body.

There was no such thing as the qi, or a place in the human body where qi was gathered and stored.

Most body heat was generated from fat and muscles. The meridians were just a dozen of extremely important roads with a lot of traffic, while over 90 percent of acupoints and hidden junctions were points of intersection for vital energy. In geographical terms, they were essentially strategic crossroads!

"Meridians, pressure points, you can't unblock them, because for a normal healthy person, they're already naturally unblocked! If they weren't, you'd be completely paralyzed! In fact, if certain meridians and acupoints were actually blocked, you'd already be dead!"

Even if it were truly possible to cultivate some form of energy, the idea of breaking through acupoints and unblocking meridians to level up would still be wrong.

Such a theory simply defies basic principles. It was like a transmission line; if the circuit itself was blocked, it would be useless no matter how powerful the electricity was, it would instead destroy the line by overheating.

"Every person is born with qi! Not just humans, but animals, too! This is the basis for all life activities. It's only blocked in the bodies of unhealthy people. If cultivation exists, it should be about strengthening the tolerance of these pathways, which is the vital energy system I'm currently sensing. The higher its tolerance, the stronger the energy of the human body."

It was like nuclear fusion; despite the fact that such a powerful energy source had already been invented, humans were still incapable of harnessing its power because there was no reactor able to withstand temperatures surpassing hundreds of millions of degrees.

Using the data that he saw and his own knowledge of biology, Huang Ji quickly came to understand the true essence of qi masked under all of the enigmatic language.

"Heat is the source of existence, while electricity of the source of life. The two together allow for the existence of living beings. It's the exact same for electronics. Humans are just a type of biological electronic.

"If you had to say that refined qi is real, then should it be called 'refined electricity'? Qi cultivation should also be called 'electricity cultivation'? Everyone's vital energy operates at a different rhythm. If a person could strengthen their internal energy--or should I say electrical field--just enough, and then drive it into another persons body through their fists, they would be able to intercept that person's life circuit and damage their life rhythm, creating all sorts of mystical 'internal injuries'.

"A simple palm thrust would be able to cripple a person's kidneys, or cause heart failure with a mere finger jab... On the flip side, it could also be used with the numerous positive junction points in the body to strengthen its capabilities."

The more he thought about it, the greater Huang Ji felt convinced. He could perceive any person's vital energy system. If he could learn how to use the energy within the human body, its uses would be infinite.

Humans weren't the only ones with junction points, animals and even plants had them, too! Huang Ji had seen before the junction points of trees. Theoretically speaking, he could also apply pressure points to trees.

Based on this, aliens were probably no exception! No matter what type of lifeforms they were, aliens must have still had a source of energy and pathways that supported their life functions.

At most, they would just have a more special energy source. Even robots had these sorts of life pathways.

"Wait a second, robots? Then what about rocks? Does life and death exist for all things in the universe?"

The moment this thought appeared in his head, he immediately sensed the staggered pulse signal model of the computer.

They existed internally and were also being emitted. But it wasn't only for the computer: the lights, fridge, router, and even the walls, bookcase, and floor...

"Shield! Shield!" Huang Ji immediately realized that he had to block out this information, but that momentary barrage of data was still enough to knock him out as he collapsed to the ground unconscious.