Doubting Her...

When Su Anya reached home, the twins were already there. Su Mo was working on his laptop, which she had bought for him, while Su Qing was doing her painting.

She changed into the home slipper and put side her bag. Su Anya went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Although it was too early to cook dinner, she had some to solve Ji Haoyu's case, which might take a lot of time. 

She decided to cook braised fish which was Su Mo's favorite and chicken soup for Su Qing.

"I have prepared dinner for you, don't forget to eat it." Su Anya said while wiping her hand. "And don't forget to reheat the dinner. I have some urgent work, so I would be busy. So don't call me for dinner." 

Su Anya returned to her room and sat on her study desk. She opened her computer and started collecting evidence against Ji Haoyu's friend.