Unexpected Transmigration

"Why isn't he moving? Is he dead?"

"Hush, are we doomed?"

"I reminded you, not to hit him so hard. Look what happened!"

"Young master…. What have you done to him? Young master…"

"It looks like we have to shut his mouth as well…"

'Why is it so noisy here? Aaa… my body, why is it hurting so much? Did I get into trouble again? Who's screaming there? What kind of situation did I end up in now?'

Keith regained consciousness in an unsteady state, blood dripping from his forehead and covering the right side of his face. As he glanced around with blood-filled eyes, the first thing he noticed was a chaotic fight between some teenagers in a club-like place.

'Is it my blood?' Taking a look at the blood that dripping, he confusingly looks at the situation.

"Aaa, damn... it hurts like hell... Hey guys, does anyone know who's the one that hit me?" Keith loudly asked those who remained in the vicinity.

"Does he have a death wish or something?"

"Didn't he have enough!"

Hearing Keith's words, whispers spread throughout the place.

"Huh, you easily forget our faces? So what… you want to continue with round two?" A well-built teenager, wearing a creepy smile, approached Keith with his followers from the fight while throwing their previous victim into a corner.

"Stop it, Abram! Leave him..." A beautiful girl intervened, trying to stop the altercation.

"How can I not listen to my baby… Hey, get on your knees and beg for mercy, I will leave you today."

Hearing those words, Keith couldn't help but laugh. He laughed at Abram's cheap threat, feeling like he was facing a madman. Stepping down from the table he had climbed, Keith grabbed a bottle of beer and downed it, standing in front of Abram without any fear.

"You …" The attitude piss off Abram a bit, but before he could act, Keith struck first.

A powerful headbutt landed squarely on Abram's head, catching him off guard for a moment. Before Abram could comprehend the situation, everything spiraled out of control. Keith showed no mercy, relentlessly attacking him without giving him a chance to retaliate. Witnessing their leader being turned into a pulp, Abram's followers finally sprang into action.

"I don't have much time, come at once." With extreme excitement over the chance to fight, Keith called them all out.

Hearing Keith's challenge startled them for a moment, but they chose to ignore it and went to confront him. However, much to their surprise, Keith held his ground despite his battered condition. The fight ended with Keith leaving the four of them crawling on the floor.

"Please...forgive us... Eric... Please...?"

"Ehh… Is that all you got? Stand up…" Kicking them again and again, Keith tried to continue the fight when his opponents had already accepted their defeat.

"Young master…" The boy who had been beaten up by these teenagers before approached Keith, his voice filled with fear.

"Y-Young master… me." Pointing at himself, in a confused way Keith look at that boy.


The next morning.

"How much did I drink yesterday? My head... Wait, where is this place?" Awakening from sleep, the first question that popped into Keith's mind was his whereabouts.

Rolling around the bed, Keith took in his surroundings. It was a neat and large room, exuding a sense of luxury with paintings adorning the walls and valuable antiques placed on the table.

"Wow, nice room... wait, where am I anyway? Why does my head and body hurt so much?" He got up and approached the mirror.

"What the... Who is this?" He was startled upon seeing his reflection – a completely different person stared back at him. His appearance was a mess, with a swollen right eye, a bandaged forehead, and bluish marks scattered all over his body.

Keith could not comprehend the situation clearly. Vague memories of the events from the previous night, after he got drunk, flashed in his mind – the fight with the teenagers.

"Young master, may I come in?" A voice interrupted Keith's thoughts.

"Come in." One of the teenagers he had encountered the night before stood before him, holding a covered dish on a tray.

"You... W-who are you? Where am I? Why do I look like this?" Keith pushed him against the wall, bombarding him with questions.

"How do you expect to look after being beaten up? How many times have I warned you not to go, do you ever listen to me?" The boy shot back, tears welling up in his eyes. "I am quitting. Why should I continue to serve someone who lacks conscience or gratitude for what I've done for him all these years? And as for your question, who am I? I am Aiden, Aiden Chris, not just some you or b*****d..."


"What... why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I would never quit? There is a limit to everything a person can endure. Not only was I forced to serve a weak young master, but I also had to sacrifice my flesh and blood to save you from harm, every day... I'm fed up..." Aiden's words ended in tears, his emotions pouring out.

"S-sorry." The word escaped Keith's mouth unexpectedly while hearing Aiden's words. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Does your back hurt?" He questioned, remembering how he had pushed Aiden against the wall earlier.

"It doesn't matter much when my whole body is hurting anyway..." Aiden replied, trying to hold back his emotions.

"Can we sit and talk?"

A few minutes later, after emotions were under control.

"What's in it?" Keith asked, looking at the closed dish, trying to initiate a conversation.

"Hangover soup..."

"Did you cook it?"

"Who else would have made it for you?" Aiden handed the dish to Keith, not gently, but rather like throwing it at him.

"Are you serious about what you said earlier (about quitting)?" Keith inquired, finishing the soup quickly, his curiosity piqued.

"It was just a moment of emotional outburst, don't take it seriously. Remember one thing, YOUNG MASTER ERIC JONAS, if I wanted to quit, I would have done it years ago. We've been through difficult times together, and why should I leave now, especially when you are finally ready to fight back for your rights! So, quickly freshen up, I will bring something to eat." Without dwelling much on his master's sudden change, Aiden left the room to prepare breakfast.

'Eric, is that my name here? Why does it feel so familiar? Where have I heard that name?' Trying to solve the puzzle, Keith comes to one answer.

"Darkness, did I end up in that damn novel?!!!"