The Mission: Part 6

'Why should I have to face him again? This damn heart, why is it beating so hard as I am about to meet my crush… I hope that crazy person won't shoot me with his golden gun…'

Entering the study room with so many negative thoughts, Eric uninterestedly met Jonas. His nonchalant cold eyes were just looking at Eric without even blinking. Luckily, Jonas wasn't carrying a gun today.

"F-Father, you called for me. Is there anything you want to speak personally?" Gathering all his courage, Eric spoke while controlling his body which was about to shake in fear.

"I heard, today you fought with Abram and his friends. In them, three were murdered and five were seriously injured, is that true!" Knowing everything, Jonas asks again to confirm it from Eric.

"Yes, it's tru---" Before Eric completes his words, a wine glass passed through his side and breaks while hitting the wall.

'What the… Is he insane? Did I spoke harshly or something… Wait, I didn't even spoke that much then why is he acting like this…'

"Why did you attack them?"

Confirming there is nothing else to throw at him this time, Eric continued "T-They try to harm me, as a self-defense... I tried to protect myself but never expect all of them are such weaklings…"

"Did they go to the extent that you have to kill them to survive?"

"NO…" Eric's answer was somewhat unexpected to Jonas, and it can see in Jonas's facial expression. Without going back, Eric continued. "I would have let them live if they target me but in them, some dares to touch my people whom I cherish.

So, in my point of view, the only punishment they deserved is death."

"So, anyone who touches your people will die at your hands, is that what you meant?" To the question, Eric nods yes without any second thought. With a smile, Jonas continued. "What if that anyone is me? Will you kill me too…"


"Why are you silent? Answer me…"

"I don't care if the person who stands in front of me is weak or strong. I will fight for my people whom I cherish no matter what… Even the opponent is my father as well…

It's not because I don't care about you. It's just that I hate to live a miserable life filled with regret and guilt over and over again while thinking about that incident, until the day I die.

If I can't change today who knows there will be a tomorrow that welcomes me for give a second chance…" Jonas doesn't expect a such answer from Eric, the boy who never act this way before.

"Hmm… Not bad, now it feels like you are really my son.

Anyway, you don't have to worry about this matter anymore. I will handle it; you just focus on your assignment. No matter what, DON'T DISAPPOINT ME...

You can leave."

As an employee who gets a bonus from his terrible hot-tempered boss, Eric comes out of the room and screams internally to free himself from the pressure he faced.

However, without wasting much time there Eric had to go to complete his assignment. The trip to West tower town gate where Albert Lore is now, approached with many hidden agendas.

For Itt, that's a chance to value Eric's capability and an opportunity to reach Aamon through Alisha Vin. Meanwhile, for Eric, the assignment to catch Albert Lore from the white dragon's area is somewhat like facing a death flag out of nowhere, and for Abaddon, he is walking towards the hope to be acknowledged by his father without knowing what's waiting for him in that path which filled with hideous poisons snakes.

A few hours later, at a hotel room in West tower town.

"Finally, we are here! Let's take some rest…" Eric who is about to throw himself to the bed, after a long journey excitedly said while seeing the luxurious hotel room.

"You can take a rest; my men will guard your room from outside…

Ah… here, it's the schedule of Albert and Aman Mir for the next two days. Prepare a good plan to execute, don't worry about the force or support, I can lend as much as you want." After placing a document on the table, Butler Itt intends to leave the room.

"Hey, who are you actually? You entered the black dragon with a fake identity, placed your people in white dragons, have excellent people in spy works… Aren't you afraid to get caught by them one day?" With curiosity, Eric spoke.

"If it was before my daughter's death maybe I would… but not now.

Don't you hear, a person who had nothing to lose is the most dangerous one in the world? If that person seeks revenge, he/she will do anything even it had to sacrifice themselves to drag their enemy to hell.

I'm one of them, instead of taking revenge I also have no reason to live." He explained it in a simple way with a gentle smile which he always has.

Keith understands, the person from the novel and the one standing in front of him aren't different at all. He is still a person who will do anything for the revenge that burning inside his heart.

Love can also turn a man into a devil…