The mission: Part 10

"If you are late a bit more, the flight would have been missed."


"Anyway, where did you go last night? You didn't contact me after messaging, you have something to take care of..."

"It's nothing.... important... I just have some fun last night..."

"I hope, your fun time isn't related to something that happened at the club after we got Albert."

Ignoring the question, Eric quickly went inside the airport as a silent escape from Butler Itt's suspicious questions. Leaving a sigh behind, Butler Itt follows him obediently as a subordinate that understood the intention of that silence.

Meanwhile in a hotel room.

"Where am I?" Awakening from the deep sleep in the afternoon, Abaddon look around the unfamiliar room and asked himself.

He hasn't any idea how he ended up in a place like this, and why is he lying on a bed nakedly while covered in a sheet. A sticky feeling around his lower part, back pain, and red marks all over his body made him think hard about the night that passed down.

'After drinking what exactly happened?' He tried to regain his memories, but it all is shuffled and unclear.

However, Abaddon got a letter placed beneath the lollipop that was put on the nearby table. He opened it and read.

"To my dear lollipop,

How are you feeling now? Is your body, OK?

I know you are tired so take a good rest a little more, then wash up in hot water and eat the food that is placed on the table. Your clothes aren't in a shape to wear, so I brought new clothes for you. I hope you like it!

Don't worry about anything. Keep our secret deep inside your heart and be confident, I am always with you..."

Cough, cough... the letter leaves him speechless and more confused. Taking a quick bath, he moves out of the hotel while wearing the new clothes and went directly to his farmhouse.

However, the atmosphere inside the house isn't felt normal. Everyone looks so tense and busy as some issues appeared to happen last night.

"Abaddon..." A cold voice stops him from entering his room secretly. "Where did you go last night?"

"F-father, that...I-I..." In a feared tone, he tried to speak without knowing what to say. He can't say something like he spends a night with a stranger who he doesn't even remember or falls in Lorence's trap and gets drugged, ends up losing self-consciousness.

"There is no need to explain, I can guess where have you been. However, at least you should inform someone before going somewhere in a situation like this. " Seeing the red mark on his neck, Aman awkwardly spoke. "Anyway, take a good rest you don't look so good."

"Y-yes father." In an ashamed state, Abaddon quickly closes the door and leaves a relieved sigh without knowing he is captured red-handedly by his father.

A few hours later, without getting a wink of sleep after lying on the bed Abaddon came out of the room. The atmosphere inside the house isn't changed a bit but never expect the reason would have some connection with his lost memories of last night.

Lorence and his friends were found dead in a private room in the club and also a guest who came to attend the party went missing. The second reason had nothing to do with Abaddon, but not the first one.

He was drugged and almost got raped by Lorence last night and his friends that they are talking about are his comrades who came there under his stepmother's commands. How did they die, is it something related to the guy who spend a night with him? The secret that he mentioned in the letter is related to this murder... Many troublesome questions wander around his brain without any answers.


Eric and Itt directly went to an old close-down factory that was currently used as a secret base of black dragons. With top-notch respect, Jonas's men welcome Eric inside (which is an unexpected event that Eric never expect). With a warm tight hug, Jonas shows his affection to the son who came back with victory, but it almost chokes him to death (It's too tight, that breathing is difficult even his bones were about to break).

"D-dad, leave me..." Somehow Eric escapes from his father's iron build hands. Cough, cough... 'Why is he so strong? He almost choked me to death...'

Behind him, Eric saw a man lying on the floor which is covered in blood around him. Taking a closer look, he identifies the person as Albert Lore. A total change over in a short period of time, not even his mother or wife going to identify him in this shape.

'To beat him like this what has he done like that?' Pitifully looking at Albert, Eric thought.

"Are you wondering why we beaten him like this?" Observing Eric, Jonas continued. "Because of him, we had to face a loss of about 10 crores... If it's just a case of money, I should have let him go but he dares to play with my trust and for those, there is no mercy in my dictionary. Even if it's an employee or family member..." The last sentence, he whispered in Eric's ears in a cold voice.

"Are you going to kill him?" Holding back the chill he felt, nonchalantly Eric raises a question.

"Shouldn't I?"

"What about the money then? Are you going to leave it like that?"


"Butler Itt, take them here?" As waiting for Eric's command, Butler Itt takes a woman and two children there. The youngest child is quite healthy and sleeping on his mother's shoulder, while the eldest one is so skinny as he has all got bones in his body.

"Isn't it his wife and children?" In disbelief, Jonas spoke.

"Can't we use them to pay off their debt?"