It's a deal with devil-II

At a sealed construction building near the school.

"Look whose here? Didn't I tell you he would come?" Welcoming Abaddon, Vian spoke while placing his hand around Abaddon's neck and make him move at his pace.

"Why are you looking so scared, aren't we friends?" Punching on Abaddon's stomach, Loid also presents himself in front of him while shows his terrifying friendly side.

"Why are you doing this to me? Is it also Aisha's plan? Doesn't she get what she wants?" Kneeling on the ground because of the strong punch, Abaddon frustratingly asks even though Aisha isn't there.

"She might have got what she needs but we don't.

After knowing what pleasure is how can she say not to touch you, even at the rough trial you are quite satisfying without any experience... or you had some... A pretty girlish face, body that can lure any man, exactly like a s***..."

"Hey stop... Abaddon, we can gently handle this matter with peace if you cooperate with us." Stopping Loid from taking another action, Vian plays the role of peacemaker. "Put this collar on your neck and be our pet. We will take good care of you."

"…" Abaddon had a rough guess from the beginning when they asked him to meet while blackmailing him through the video that the value of his life. He was ready to be bullied or beaten up from them, but nor selling his body.

They are the ones who did wrong to him then why he had to pay the price? A question raised on his mind.

He realized, a normal life doesn't write in his destiny anymore. Nothing good came from being a good person, enduring everything to live... what he gains from that… nothing. Life become rougher than before.

"It's like he wants me to put this on him." Loid takes the collar and tries to put it on Abaddon.

But never expect Abaddon to react oppositely, he somehow throws away the collar from Loid's hands.His resistance provokes Loid in the worst way, especially when he is someone who likes to dominate over weak prey.

Abaddon couldn't be able to avoid Loid who is a good fighter, and with the support of Vian, they have an upper hand in that situation.

He doesn't want to surrender to them, but his body reached the limit to fight back. His consciousness begins to fall, and their lustful touch on his body makes him feel like worms crawling over his skin. Before he completely loses consciousness, he saw an unclear figure standing in front of him.

A few hours later at Eric's house.

"Do you aware of what you have done? It doesn't been 24 hours yet we have a conversation, and you create a trouble again." Raising his voice against Eric, Butler Itt continues. "What exactly happened? Why is he in this condition? And why did you take him here?"

"Then in this condition, where else I can take him? I can't report to school, can't take him to the hospital or his home.

And don't worry, I already handle the situation. You just need to look through the investigation that going to happen soon." On the way towards the room where Abaddon is taking rest, Eric spoke.

"Police won't go easy on this case, already 3 students got murdered now an additional two. It's going to be a pain in a**."


Both of them kept silent once they reach the door, Abaddon is still sleeping. His clothes that covered in dust and blood were changed with Eric's clothes.

"Itt, it's getting late can you pick Cain from school?"

"…" Knowing there is no use in speaking to Eric, Itt agreed to the request and went out.

Sitting beside Abaddon, Eric concernedly looks at the face that seems peaceful and whispers to him.

"How can you sleep so peacefully after killing someone this brutally? Are you really the Abaddon that I know? You even used me to cover up your crime for a single kiss... Quite interesting…

Not in my past life, I met a person who loved to confess in the middle of a fight, have sex while surrounded by dead bodies, and knows to passionately kiss someone while taking a life.

Why are you hiding such a face behind an innocent façade?"

"Mm…mm…" Abaddon slowly wakes up and frighteningly looks around the place. Seeing a familiar face makes him relax a bit. "Where am I?"

"It's my home, how do you feel now?"

Instead of the pain of getting beaten up, he does not feel like something else happened to him. "Thank you… If you aren't there, I don't know what should have happened to me… Thank you so much…" Tearfully, Abaddon spoke while figuring out the situation himself.

"T-thank you, for what?" Confusingly Eric asks, he doesn't do much in his view.

"For protecting me from them, if you weren't there, I don't know what they have done to me…"

"Wait-wait, why are you acting like you don't remember anything? At least don't act in front of me…" Thinking it was a joke from Abaddon's side, Eric spoke.

"What are you talking about? Why should I act? Aren't you the one who saved me from them?" Hearing such statement from Abaddon totally put Eric in a puzzle. Eric couldn't understand the motive behind Abaddon act that showing he doesn't remember what exactly he done to Vian and Loid.