My feelings, is it a lie?

"How are you feeling now? All better!" Feeding him water, Eric concernedly asks Aiden who suddenly faints to the floor after hearing his confession of love towards Abaddon.

"Wait... the matter, are you really serious about Abaddon? Are you in love?" Put down the glass on the table, Aiden impatiently asks for an answer from Eric.

Aiden is willing to accept his young master as who he is, but when his future is questioned by Eric's decision makes the positive attitude go away in a split second.

Aiden can see his future getting darker and darker more thickly and endlessly.

Two gangs and their bad relationship with each other isn't that new. Each one is eagerly waiting for the day to take over the other and on top of that, now this love story.

Judging by Jonas's attitude, instead of accepting such a thing he would prefer creating a hole in Eric's chest. However, it not about Eric alone if Aiden slightly be supported or encouraged in this matter, his fate won't be different than Eric's.

A father can forgive his son and give him a second chance but that doesn't valid for a servant.

Encouraging a forbidden love is more like jumping to the fire pit, for Aiden. Without being able to oppose it directly, Aiden strongly wished to hear a negative answer from Eric's side.

"I like him, but not that serious yet."

"What it's mean?"

"Genuinely speak, at first, I just tried to get close to him for a purpose but after slowly getting to know him, you know that… the point of view starts to change.

I begin to love everything related to him, just like the time we spent together, his genuine smile that often appeared on his face when he is around me, and the red tomato face he had whenever I teased him….

But I know, we are like fire and water, can't exist together for long. One will eventually ruin the other one's existence.


I decide to give it a try, playing with fire is my specialty." Eric starts in a passionate way, then take a sentimental turn and ends up with his natural tone.


"I'm not sure about my feelings are temporary or not. That's what I meant…"

"But you are playing with someone else emotions. What if he ends up liking you? Do you ever think about that possibility?" Getting mad at Eric's reply, Aiden unconsciously speaks up for Abaddon.

"I truly want to end this in a friendly manner, if my feelings turn out to be a temporary one.

But if something happened like what you said, it isn't something that I should care about. If he wants something, he had to earn it by himself."

"Are you playing with him then?" Come to a conclusion, Aiden asks.

Leaving a smile behind, Eric ends the conversation.

Later at Eric's home.

"Boss, who's this?" Meeting an unfamiliar guy next to Eric, Cain curiously asks while letting them enter the house.

An injured guy, who continuously seeks help from his boss to walk around because of the plastered right leg, and what is strange is, in Cain's view his boss is too much friendly with that guy.

'Who's this guy now? He might be around the boss's age, is he, his friend? But why is he in this state?' [Cain]

"Is he Cain? The little devil, you always talk about when you were home? Introduce me…"

'Always talk about? Home? What's their relation?' [Cain]

"Yeah! So let me officially introduce you two. Cain, it's Aiden, and Aiden it's Cain" Eric introduces each other very shortly and lay on the sofa because of the back ache due to carrying Aiden from the gate to door.

(Actually, Aiden was planning to take a few more days leave, but after hearing everything he decide to come back as possible as he can.)

"Hi… Mmm… thank you for taking care of my lazy young master all this long. From now on, we are going to see each other often. So please take care of me." Whispering in his ears, Aiden speaks to Cain in a friendly tone.

'Aiden… Boss's ex-boyfriend… Are they going to live together? Then what about Brother Abaddon? My boss is really a player as Helica said?' Cain totally misunderstood the conversation.

A few hours later, in Aiden's room.

'I truly can't believe; he ends up loving his rival other than anyone. But since when he starts to have feelings for him? Why didn't I ever notice such a thing?

Isn't he been acting so normal towards Abaddon all this time… Wait, wait… he wasn't normal at all… He often picks fights with Abram, but there was always Abaddon involved. That night in the club too… (first chapter)

So I became a drum for this guy's stupid love story… Damn… Then that night, he went to Mir's house to meet Abaddon. Without knowing anything, I stupidly helped him to climb the wall…

If Master Jonas ever learned about these things, that's the end of everything… Not only his, mine too… What should I do?

Why has it always happened to me? One crisis ends and another arises, can't I have one peaceful day in my life…'

Thoughts were running widely in Aiden's mind, he felt like a fool all this time. But whatever the reason behind Eric's choice is, Aiden came to a conclusion that:

"Sorry young master, I won't let you succeed in your love story. Not in this life…."

Meanwhile Eric's room.

"Is it a cupboard or a disappearing machine? Why can't I find that white T-shirt?" After taking a shower, Eric kept in search of a white T-shirt that he intends to wear. But he couldn't find that particular one from many other white ones and he turn the cupboard upside down by totally messing the whole thing inside.

While on going the task, Eric got a closed box placed inside securely. It was safely hiding behind the clothes.

"What's this?" He tried to open the lid that was tightly closed. Hardly he succeeds to open but it drops down from his hands.

From inside the box, a few photos fall down everywhere. One by one, Eric picks up it from the floor.

One photo contains a family photo of Jonas with his wife and children.

'The youngest one sitting on the woman's lap in the photo may be Eric.' Keith tried to figure out whose whom from it.

The next photo pictured a crying little boy with black hair and ocean-blue eyes. The photo isn't taken well by the way. Looking at the next one, he found the grown-up face of that same boy. That one is quite similar to Abaddon in some ways.

Another and another, he checks the photos and figures out that most ones are Abaddon. Also, all are candid poses as it was taken without his knowledge.

"Why such photos are here? Did the real Eric, love Abaddon? Then… the feelings I had for Abaddon are because of Eric's emotions… Like the fear I felt towards Jonas???"