The forgotten truth

After that day, everything in Eric's life seemed to fall apart. He couldn't understand why he felt so lost, even though he was the one who had ended the relationship with Abaddon.

In his life, survival had always been the primary focus, whether it as Keith or Eric. Also, it became the reason why Keith had initially approached Abaddon – he had been willing to eliminate Abaddon's existence without hesitation, if he ever became a threat. But all of Keith's plans had crumbled from the moment he had faced Abaddon.

For some unknown reason, Keith had found himself continually drawn to Abaddon, even though this realization had come too late. He showed his true color to Abaddon and wanted Abaddon to accept him as Keith.

Despite the knowledge that one day everything would vanish from his life as if it were nothing, Keith couldn't help but hold onto Abaddon's hand out of sheer greed. But then, a profound question began to occupy his thoughts: To whom Abaddon's love for? Is it for Keith or Eric? 

Also, similar questions came to pop up his mind. If one day he were to disappear from this world and awaken in his original reality, what would happen to Abaddon then?  Would the real Eric be there to protect Abaddon in his absence?

Keith had reluctantly come to the painful realization that letting go of Abaddon was the only solution to ease his growing worries. However, he had never anticipated just how heart-wrenching that decision would be. It was as if the entire world had lost its color, and he found it impossible to derive any joy from life. His sadness morphed into frustration, and what was even more excruciating was the overwhelming yearning he felt for Abaddon. Keith struggled to control his emotions, finding it increasingly challenging to stay away from the person he loved.

Two agonizing days had passed, and during that time, Abaddon hadn't shown up at school. Eric's patience was wearing thin with each passing moment. The uncertainty, combined with his own internal turmoil, left him on the brink of an emotional outburst.

Later at home.

"Brother Aiden, why hasn't he come down yet? Is he not feeling well today as well?" Cain inquired about Eric, his concern evident as he observed the somber atmosphere in their home.

"He might have some work to complete. You eat first; I will take the food to young master's room," Aiden who knew about the situation, make up excuses. With the tray of food in hand, he made his way to Eric's room.

Aiden knocked on the door, but there was no response. He cautiously entered the room and found Eric lying on his bed, lost in his thoughts.

"Young master," Aiden's voice gently roused Eric from his thoughts. "Your dinner..."

"I'm not hungry, take it away," Eric replied curtly, his gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the room. He showed no interest in the food, his appetite overshadowed by the emotional turmoil within.

Aiden could sense the heavy atmosphere in the room, but he couldn't quite grasp why Eric was acting this way, especially after he had been the one to end things with Abaddon.

"I told you, this play won't end as you think, now look how serious it become?" Seeing no response from Eric, Aiden continued with a sigh. "If you care about Abaddon this much, why did you reject him?" Instead of leaving the room, Aiden asked to Eric.

"What good came from knowing the answer? Isn't that what you wanted too?" Eric retorted; his words tinged with bitterness.

Aiden's frustration mounted upon hearing Eric's response. It was true that he had once desired to break them apart, but his feelings had changed, and now he felt genuinely sad to see Eric in this state.

"But when did you start to care about things like this? Tell me, what's really going on in your mind..." Aiden's voice rose as he shouted at Eric, desperate for an explanation.

In the midst of a heated argument, Eric threw a vase to the floor, his frustration evident in his actions. "Let's say I came back to my senses. Satisfied? Get out!" he yelled at Aiden.

Aiden, who had been trying to reason with Eric, sighed deeply. "If throwing things around could solve our problems, then I could do the same," he replied calmly. "If you have such strong feelings for Abaddon, why not just confess? Why make things so complicated all of a sudden? Young master, please, try to be honest with yourself."

Aiden reached out and gently held Eric's hands, his eyes filled with concern. "It's not too late to sort out your feelings. Just forget about all these complicated thoughts and follow what your heart's desires."

Eric pushed Aiden's hands away and sat down on the edge of the bed, his head hanging low. "I don't think I can..." he murmured softly; his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Who said you can't?" Aiden responded with a comforting tone. "As far as I know, young master, you are someone who will go to any length to achieve what you desire, just like a true villain. If you doubt your abilities, just remember that day when we first met."

With these words of reassurance, Aiden left the room, allowing Eric to be alone with his thoughts. As he lay on the bed, the weight of his decisions and emotions continued to consume him. Eventually, exhaustion overcame him, and he drifted off into sleep.

In his dream, he found himself back in time, in his room. A poorly drawn picture of a face lay in front of him, and his younger brother Evan stood beside him. (Both of them were just teenagers at that dream.)

"Keith, look at it… Do you still don't remember it?" Evan asked, holding up the drawing.

Keith took the picture from Evan's hand and examined it with a bemused expression. "I've never seen such an ugly drawing in my whole life. Who drew this?"

"You really don't remember anything? It's you who drew it," Evan insisted. "You said this was how the boy that came into your dreams looked. You described him having black hair and blue eyes."

"Are you playing a trick on me?" Keith asked with disbelief in his eyes as he looked at Evan.

"I'm serious, Keith. You really don't remember anything? A few days ago, you even followed a boy like a crazy person, saying he looks like that boy," Evan recounted Keith's recent actions, which Keith seemed to have forgotten.

Silence hung in the air as suspicion filled Keith's eyes. He couldn't comprehend why his brother was suddenly making such claims.

"I think the fever seriously affects your brain... But how is it even possible that you've completely forgotten everything related to that boy?" Evan pondered aloud.

"I think I should call a doctor for you."

"I'm telling the truth..."

"Keith... Keith..." A voice called out, awakening Eric from the deep sleep. He was startled to find Abaddon's face in front of him.

He couldn't make sense of why he had dreamt about his past out of nowhere. The drawing and Evan's words were all jumbled in his mind, creating a confusing mess.

"Keith, are you okay?" Hearing his real name from Abaddon's mouth only added to the complexity of the situation for him to understand.