Meeting Hecate

The next day, after the school time was over, Eric and Aiden went to pick Cain at their regular spot, the candy shop. Not seeing Cain and Hecate anywhere there, they went to the junior high school where Cain was studying.

Outside the junior high school, they spotted Helica and Cain standing together, looking down the road expectantly.

Curiosity piqued, Aiden asked, "What's going on here? Why didn't you come to our usual spot? Are you guys waiting for someone?"

Helica's face lit up with excitement. "Brother Aiden, do you know who is coming to pick me up today?

My sister… I want to introduce Cain to her, that's why we are waiting here. She will be here anytime, please wait a moment."

Aiden and Eric exchanged surprised glances. They knew that Helica had a sister, but they never met her before. "That's great," Eric remarked. "Let's meet her, I have some complaints to report about you."