The fate repeats...

The cycle of fate slowly begins to run for everything to return back as it's order. And for all that, Eric's existence was the first thing for it to erase.

Inside and outside enemies were planted out, for the right moment everyone waits. To leak Eric's activities, the one was responsible was none other than Aamon.

For his over flowing love for mother, the burning hatred towards his father, and new found jealousy towards his brother, who had everything that Aamon never got a chance to experience in his whole life, he agreed to the deal that Itt put forward.

His mother's freedom, also the recognition as Jonas's son, the luxurious life that come along with Eric's death convince his hesitant mind. But he never realised, the price of greed is always something valuable.

The day everyone was waiting appear, Eric went outside to meet Robert, who been discharging today because of the gun shot that Abaddon cause.