
Early in the morning, Mary(a girl with long blonde shiny hair and azure blue eyes) woke up from her slumber. She sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, yawning. After a while of dozing off, she got out of bed and opened the curtains. Ray of light shone through the windows as she slowly wobble tiredly into the restroom.

After a few minutes, she came out of the restroom and dressed into her working suit. She walked into the corridor and down the stairs. Then, she turned left into the kitchen and cooked breakfast.

She ate her breakfast, leaving a plate of uneaten breakfast on the table. She looked at her phone while walking towards the living room and sat on the couch. She scrolled through her social media and saw a house advertisement. She ignored it and continued scrolling down.

She saw the advertisement again and again until it was unavoidable.

What's wrong with my phone, she thought to herself, let me try restarting it.

She moved her finger towards the restart button but nothing happened. She pressed it again and again until the screen turned fully black.

Suddenly, a flash of white light came from her phone and in a split of a second, it turned into an old wooden house.

What's happening?

She thought to herself and looked away from her phone but something was preventing her from doing it. She felt two cold hands grabbing the side of her face. She couldn't move nor make a sound.

She was forced to stare at the old wooden house. Suddenly, a silhouette stood at the window like it was looking at her and started to wave at her. She wanted to look away or scream for her little brother for help but she couldn't, so she shut her eyes tightly, hoping it will just go away.

After a while, she heard a voice calling to her."Sister!Sister!", she heard a voice shouting and something touched her hand. She slowly opened her eyes, hoping to not see it again. She saw a silhouette and her vision slowly became clearer. It was her little brother, Jack(a boy with light blonde hair and deep blue eyes) shouting at her.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at her brother. Her brother looked at her with a worried expression. "Sister, is there anything wrong," he said in a low voice, "just now... you looked like you were having a bad dream."Mary looked at him with a shocked expression and said, "Oh", she petted her brother's head, "Well, yeah, I'm just having a bad dream, nothing to worry about."

Jack looked at her with an unsure look on his face for a second and his face instantly turned into an innocent smile."Okay", he said happily but suddenly his face turned into a frown and said, "sister, is there anything bothering you or is your job giving you a lot of stress?"Mary looked at him taken aback and quickly smiled at him and said in a gentle voice, "It's nothing, really. Come on, go eat your breakfast. You don't want to be late for school, right?"

He looked at Mary and nodded with a smile again. Then, he hurried off into the dining room. After Jack vanished, Mary put her hands on her face and thought.

Is it really just a dream?

She got herself together and wandered into the dining room.