Long lost brother

The man's face was now in sight. His eyes were the same as Lucius-gold and green slit eyes but the position was wrong. His gold shining eye was on his left while his emerald green eye was on his right. He has white and green slick-back hair and a long white tail and two white wolf ears.

He smiled sinisterly while looking at Lucius that was pinned to the ground by the experiment.

"It's been a long time since we last saw each other, brother."The man said with a devilish smile."How do you like my gift?"

Mary's eyes widened with shock as she turned her head to look at Lucius. She wanted to yell out "You Know Him?" but she knew it wasn't a good time to ask since Lucius was still pinned on the ground.

Lucius didn't move as if he was frozen. He lay there with an expression the same as Mary's. Shock and disbelief.

"Hmm?" The man suddenly turned his gaze to Mary as if he didn't notice she was there all along."What brings a human here? Don't tell me, you have been keeping a human under your sleeve without me knowing. That's very naughty of you, my little brother. You should have let your older brother know of this. Did you want to keep her for yourself and eat her in the end? How cruel of you. At least share her flesh with me."

Mary stared at Lucius's brother, trembling from head to toe on the ground. She heard what he said but she didn't know how to react the only thought she could think of was death.

She was going to die. Lucius can't help her, he was being restrained to the ground.

Then, a ferocious hiss stuck Mary out of her thoughts. She and Lucius's brother turned to where the voice came from. Lucius was looking at them, fiercely. His slit gold and green eyes were glaring warningly at his brother like he was telling his brother to not harm Mary.

"It's that how you look at someone after not seeing each other for so long." His brother said in an angry tone. "Haven't our mother taught you any manners if not... then-"

His voice deepened."I'll teach you myself. Attack one eye."

The experiment lifted its claws up and aim for Lucius's eyes. Lucius managed to close his eye in time and it slashed his eyelid. Red crimson blood oozed out from his eyelid as Lucius hissed in pain. It left three deep claw marks across his eyelid and it seemed to cut into his eye too.

"What are you doing!?"Mary yelled in pure shock and hatred.  "Aren't you two brothers!? How can you do that to him!? His you're younger-"

"Shut up!"His brother yelled while choking Mary on the throat."This is none of your business! I will treat my brother how I wanted. It is not for a stranger to decide."

Mary gripped the man's hand that was around her neck, tightly, trying to rip his hand off of her neck. But it wouldn't budge. Mary couldn't breathe, she was struggling to rip herself free. She used her legs to hit his stomach but that only made his hand tighten.

Lucius hissed again but his brother ignored him. Mary's vision was becoming blurry. Suddenly, the man let go of her. She fell to the ground, gasping for air. Then, she heard the man yell.

"Let go of my pet! You damn bastard!"

Mary looked up and saw Lucius was on top of the experiment. He wrapped his tail around the experiment's whole body, pinning it down. One hand on its head, the other covering his wounded eye.

He hissed at his brother and squeezed the experiment head tighter.

"Hey! Are you disobeying your older brother now!?" He said while approaching Lucius."If you dare kill my pet, I will tell our mother about you being a bad boy!"

Mother!? Lucius thought. Didn't she die a long time ago? (His grip loosened). Is mother really still alive?

Then, he felt something move below him. He look down and saw it struggling. He tightened his grip again.

"Hey! Did you hear what I said!?"His brother continued to yell."Mother will hear of this!"

Lucius released his hand from its head and loosened his grip on the experiment body.

"Yes. Now, who's a good boy?" Then, his brother's face formed a sinister smile again. "Attack!"

The experiment lifted its claw again.

"Lucius! Watch out!"Mary yelled.

Lucius glanced down but it was too late. The experiment dug its claw into his stomach. Lucius coughed out blood as he gripped onto its arm, refusing to let it go deeper, and tried to pull its claw out of his stomach.

Mary felt her blood boil as she watched Lucius's suffering. She forced her trembling legs to stand up. She managed to stand up and stared angrily at the man.

"Stop!" She yelled. "Don't hurt him anymore! He's your brother!"

The man glared at Mary and clicked his tongue.

"Even after, I gave you a warning-" The man spoke as he approached Mary."You still need to interfere with our family business. You mere human!"

He was now standing close to Mary. He stretched out his hand and covered Mary's mouth, lifting her off the ground. Mary groaned as she kicked her feet at the man.

The man stood there, ignoring Mary as if nothing happened.

"Oh, right!"The man said with a smile."Just going to tell you this, I lied. Our mother died a long time ago. Remember that time when we first got turned into one of these experiments? Do you remember I ate our mother in front of you? Well, you should know how she died now, right? If you don't get it, then I have to say it-"The man chuckled, softly."I ate her."

Tears rolled down Lucius's face as he tried to rip the experiment's claw away. He hissed at his brother. His sharp eyes revealed his emotion. Betrayal and anger.

Mary stared at the man with her pupils. She could feel the rage burning inside of her after hearing what he said to Lucius.

"Don't be mad."The man said with a satisfied tone.''For your information, our mother tasted great...(He looked at Mary)I wonder what she would taste like."

He pulled her close to him.