Lucius's birthday

Lucius and Mary went out of the trophy room. Lucius was following Mary from behind, curious and excited about Mary's surprise. But soon his excitement faded away as he saw a wooden double door in front of them.

He looked at Mary and hissed. Mary turned around to look at him, she noticed the excitement in his eye was gone. He hissed in a doubtful tone as if he said. Are we really in the right place?

"Come on!"Mary said, trying to bring back the excitement he once had."It's not about the place, okay? But...maybe the place is something too..."

Lucius hissed and craved the wall. Food?

"It's not about food!"Mary yelled in a whispering tone, trying not to get any experiment attention.

Lucius noticed the change in her voice. Why whisper?

"Well, because I don't want experiments to come and spoil the fun...and you just healed..."

I don't want you to get hurt again. She thought. She didn't want to say it out, it would be so embarrassing.

Lucius stared at her while waiting for her to finish her sentence. But Mary only turned away and opened the double door.

"You stay here...Don't follow me!"Mary yelled as Lucius moved from his spot with the intention of following her.

Lucius was shocked when Mary shouted at him. Mary saw his reaction and noticed what she did. She placed both of her hands on her mouth while she silently stared at him. Lucius's ears were moving around, hearing for any footsteps.

After a few seconds, he looked at Mary and smiled.

"No sound of footsteps?"Mary whispered.

He nodded while Mary sighed in relief.

"As I say before you stay outside."

Lucius's ears were down but he still coiled up and sat on his tail, obeying Mary's request. He sat there, upset while Mary disappeared behind the door.

Mary walked around the beautiful brightly lit dining room. She seemed like she was finding something as she kept looking around the place. After searching for an unknown item, she saw a gramophone. It was in the very corner of the room.

Mary approached it and checked if it was still working. After some time, relaxing music began to fill the hall. Mary, who now understood how to use the gramophone shut the music down. She lifted it up and carried it to the table, which was in the middle of the room. She placed it down and walked to the door.

She opened the door and whispered to Lucius.

"You can come in now."

The moment Mary called him, his ears stood up and his eye was round while he smiled, joyfully at her. Lucius stood up from his tail and followed Mary into the room.

Lucius entered the room and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He seemed disappointed until Mary pulled out a jewelry box from her pocket. Lucius recognized the box and excitedly stared at it.

Mary opened the box and inside the box was a piece of paper and a cloth below it. Happy birthday was what was written on top of it.

"Happy Birthday, Lucius!"Mary said with a joyful smile on her face."I know it's not much and I can't really prepare anything for you...This must be your worst birthday."Mary chuckled, Lucius could tell she was disappointed in herself."I didn't even have a cake but-"

She was cut off by Lucius. Tears were rolling down his face as he looked at the jewelry box in Mary's hands.

"Lucius! Are you alright?"She placed the box to the side before walking closer to Lucius."Are you upset about this lousy birthday surprise of mine? I'm sorry about it."

Lucius heard what Mary said and touched his face as if he didn't realize he was crying. He quickly wiped off his tears while shaking his head, intensely.

Mary sighed then chuckled, feeling a sign of relief. She held onto Lucius's face while Lucius's tears kept falling down nonstop. She rubbed his tears with the thumb of her hands and smiled brightly at him.

"Are you sure, you're an oversized teenager? Why are you always crying like a baby over little trivial things? "

Lucius didn't care about her teasing and smiled at her, innocently like a child, who received the best birthday present in the world.

"Come here, "Mary said while pulling him into a hug."If you want to cry, you can cry on my shoulder."

Lucius sank his face into Mary's shoulder while hugging her tight in his arms. Mary petted his head and Lucius's tail shook, happily from her touch. He propped Mary up onto his tail as he knew it would be hard for Mary to stand while he cried on her shoulder.

Mary was stunned for a second by his action but soon continued to stroke his head, gently.

After some time when Lucius calmed down, he pulled himself away from Mary. His eye was puffy from all the crying and Mary's shirt was drenched with his tears. Mary chuckled while he blushed slightly when he saw Mary's shirt and her reaction.

"Are you still going to cry?"Mary teased as she saw him, staring at her shoulder.

Lucius's cheeks flushed red while he shook his head forcefully.

"Just kidding! Come on! Stop with the tears of joy and open my gift."

Mary helped him take the box and let him take his gift out. He reached out his hand and took it. It was an eye patch.

"Please don't misunderstand my gift! It's not that I think your scar is disgusting. It's just..."

Lucius hugged Mary and hissed at her. He pulled himself away from her and shook his head.

"Do you not think so?"

He only gave her a smile in reply and turned his body around. Then, he craved something on the floor. Can you help me wear it?

Mary nodded, joyfully and helped him put it on. She tied a knot and it was done.

He turned around and touched his eye patch, gently. He then hissed and beamed at Mary.

"It looks nice on you."

Lucius happily shook his tail and hissed as if he was saying. Thanks!

"I still have another surprise for you! It's not the end of your party yet!"