His family knows

When Alex looks at them, they are just casually chatting themselves. Regaining their composure, she applied shampoo to his head and applied soap to his body, and slowly got up on his lap. He started to wash and the girls got up naked from the tub. They started to dry themselves while happily chatting and put all the clothes inside the washer, starting it. They went outside the bathroom naked. He finished washing, got up from the tub, flushed it, and dried himself. He went outside wearing a towel around his waist. He grabs his clothes and wears them. They already prepared the tea by themselves so he sat on the sofa with them and drank it on the verandah viewing great scenery. He found the situation blizzard but he couldn't say anything. Soon after his mom and Alisa went shopping and Cynthia only was with him now.

"Wife, tell me honestly, what's going on here?", Alex demanded.

"Ahh … what? … ahh .. did you find out?", Cynthia panicked.

"About what? Why are you hiding things from me?", Alex asked.

"I … I told them.", she stuttered.

"About what?"

"They repeatedly harassed me … about … so I told them."

"What did you tell them?"

"They asked me about the real place that money comes from."

"Wait … what did you tell them?"

"About … about all the things."

"Ahh … All about it."

"Y-yes … I-I thought they are family so … and they are too persistent."

"How much do they know?"

"I wanted to tell them a little only … but they keep asking … so I told them … everything."

"Ahhh … oh my god."

"Are you angry with me?", she asked.

"Ahh … no no … they are my family so no problem. I also thought about how to tell them for a long time."

"That's what I thought so at last, I told them too."

"But do not tell other people ok."

"They also told me the same thing. Why would I tell other people.", she giggled.

They chatted and spend time in each other embrace, kissing, biting, sucking the tongue, etc. Soon the duo returned with lots of new clothes and they ordered breakfast. They had breakfast and headed towards their home. Lots of workers were already there at the time. As soon as they came, they ordered to move the things from the home to the storage place and they started to move. All the things are nicely packed and moved to the new storage location. All the things were finished around 3 pm. They started to return to the hotel. Cynthia went with her family and Alex was with his mom and sister. They were driving towards the hotel.

"Alex, we know about your system of yours.", mom chimed in.

"Ahh … I-I know. I also wanted to tell you but couldn't.", Alex replied.

"I know about the mission penalties and harem too. You have to be very careful.", she suggested.

"I know. Don't worry about it.", Alex reassured.

"How would I not worry about my son?", mom asked.

"Ok. I will be very careful.", Alex replied.

"Even if you have to add me to your harem, I'm willing, ok? So tell me about it.", his mom insisted.

"Ahh .. mom … that .. sigh", Alex panicked.

"Don't panic. You are dear to me. I can do anything for you. You have to tell me.", his mother demanded.

"Me too brother. I can do anything for you.", Alisa insisted.

"But … but … I-I … sigh", Alex sighed.

"You don't love us anymore?", his mother asked.

"Of course, I love you guys … sigh … ok.", Alex said.

"You must tell us if you have any difficult missions but not a single word about the system of yours to outsiders, understand?", his mom asked.

"Yes. Not a single word to outsiders. Got it.", Alex promised.

They talk about this and that along the way. They stopped at the hotel and entered their room. After giving the tour to her family in the room, Cynthia returned to Alex's room. After taking some time, Alex's mom suggested eating dinner together with Cynthia's family. So Cynthia went to call her family and they order dinner. When all family was together, they started to chat, and watch TV together. Soon dinner came and they started to eat while chatting happily. After dinner, Cynthia wanted to stay with her family so she went with her family.