Week later. Carnahan's kitchen. Day. Evelyn, Jonathan and Ardeth sip their tea. Dakota went to school as usual after the incident.

Evelyn sighs, eating her breakfast. Ardeth eyeing Evelyn. "So? How is Imhotep?"

After the Scorpion was defeated, Meela died. Imhotep lived with the Carnahan's since, Evelyn gave Imhotep a room for his personal use.


Meela's death wasn't too painful for Imhotep but.. he's the one who watched her fall into eternity. Accept the faith that she was gone for good.

Poor Meela. Too young to die. Amunet is the reason Meela died. Meela read the Book of the Death summoned up Amunet's spirit from the Underworld and brought her back to life within her reincarnated body as the woman that she had been centuries ago.

The reason why Meela did that, is that both Amunet and Meela were in love with the same man named Imhotep.

"I didn't sleep with Imhotep alright. In case you ask". Evelyn eyes Ardeth who gives her a smirking smile. "I give him a room that's all for his use, not even Dakota dare walking in his room. Imhotep looks traumatized after that woman's death".

Jonathan grabbed more pancakes and ate it, he spoke. "Doesn't make sense at all". Jonathan's mouth was full as he spoke. "Only by pure heart could kill the Scorpion King's as we are told by Imhotep".

"Imhotep wasn't the bad guy we thought. Imhotep was the loyal adviser for the pharaoh, Imhotep stayed because Nefertiri was there. As Imhotep lived inside the palace, all he wanted was Nefertiri near him and that is you (Ardeth pointed to Evelyn) but yes Imhotep killed all those men to regenerate himself".


Ardeth's eyes turn to Jonathan. "I can't say how miraculous Imhotep could kill the Scorpion King's. While I stood at the dunes with my warriors, the only death I could think of. You never there of course you both won't see it. Over a thousand Anubis warriors were there, barely imagining if we all would die".

"Haven't you seen the Scorpion King's? He's huge!" Jonathan eats more. "I cannot imagine it was that thing with a stung tail".

Evelyn sighs hard, pushes the chair then walks to the sink. She turned to the men. "I'm going to work and no one can stop me".

"What about Imhotep? don't you forget he still lived and he's upstairs crying over someone's death. What will he do all by himself? fine I ask Babu company Imhotep here if you don't mind". Evelyn nods agree, she has never met Babu yet.

Moments later. Babu and two other warriors are here in Carnahan's house. Ardeth asked him if Babu could help to cure Imhotep's devastated heart.

Babu chose to stay with Imhotep while Evelyn went to work. As we all know Imhotep is not very knowledgeable about the new things he will face.

The future.

"I'm glad to see you in person, Babu. I am Evelyn Carnahan, mother of Dakota's in case you miss". Evelyn chuckled. "So this is the house to make yourself comfortable, there is a kitchen where you can cook and eat everything you need inside the fridge. Do you understand?"

Babu nods his head and understands. "Oh. The toilet is upstairs and one down at the hall, please wipe your ass clean".

Babu frowns and turns to Ardeth. Ardeth held his own laugh.

"I don't want silly things to happen in my house, enough of what we've been through. My son will be back at around noon or evening because he likes to spend his time with Dr. Bey in the library. Is that clear?"

"That's the rules ma'am I'll try not to mess up the house and yes I understand all the rules".

Evelyn nods and smiles. "Good. I'm off.. have fun boys". Ardeth watched Evelyn bolting out from the house and so did Jonathan.

Ardeth turns to Babu, they speak in egypt.

"The warriors will check on you two for two hours if anything upsetting or Imhotep do something stupid tell the warriors immediately".

Babu nods understanding. Ardeth leaves the Carnahan house.

Later that. Bettany's house. Joe swung the door open, his eyes wide seeing Evelyn standing at the doorsteps.

Evelyn is back. Evelyn hugs Joe with a smile. "Oh my god. I'm happy you're alright Evelyn".

"Happy to see you Joe".

He dragged Evelyn inside. "Come inside and you must tell us everything. Oh Robert, I'm happy to see you. He can't wait to see you back in here again".


"Of course. All of us. We've been speaking about it". Evelyn snickering, they burst inside Robert's room. "I believe our wonderful women are back, Robert".

Gently Robert turned the wheel facing at the door where Evelyn and Joe were standing.

He smile, greets Evelyn. "Hello Ms Carnahan. We've met again". Evelyn walks toward Robert, takes a seat. Joe then shut the door searching for Amelia. "Are you alright?"

"Much better". She smiled. "How's your day without my presence around the house, around you. Must be wonderful isn't it".

Snickering, he spoke. "Missing. Do tell me your adventures to Ahm Shere and how it ended. And the boy's father?"

"He's here". Robert's eyes widened. "Imhotep has been in my house since. There's lots to say Robert. Let's talk in the garden, perhaps with tea and nice delicious cookies, where everyone could experience the same as I do".

Babu made his way upstairs where Imhotep's bedroom was. He knocked on the door but no one answered.

"It's me". Babu spoke in egypt. "Just you and me Imhotep. No one else is here. Ardeth asked me to stay, so did Evelyn, you can't do this. Imhotep she's worried about you. You say you love her, and end up hurting her heart by acting like this. This is such a childish act".

Babu knocked at Imhotep door again, before the fourth knocked was count. The door being sacked open from the inside reveals Imotep standing right in front of Babu.

Imhotep swollen eyes staring at Babu. He didn't say anything. Imhotep's feet turn and walk toward the edge of the bed and seat. Babu then followed, took a seat beside Imhotep.

Both men sigh. Babu turns to silent Imhotep. "I've known you acting like this since she died, am I right? That woman.. Meela".

Imhotep didn't move a bit, his body was like a stool. Babu could only hear Imhotep breathing without a word. This is not what Imhotep Babu knew when he was a boy.

This Imhotep is different. Why is that?

"Stop acting like this Imhotep. You hurt me too if you behave like this. Her death wasn't your fault you tried to save her. End up she.."

Babu couldn't finish his own words. "Don't you love Evelyn?"

"Of course I DO!" Imhotep's eyes widened in anger. "No one can touch her except me".

Babu nods. "Then stop acting like this. You stay in her home, she feeds you with food, drinks with clean water and home for you. Isn't it enough for you Imhotep?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Imhotep asks Babu. "What should I do?"

Baby laid his hand on Imhotep's shoulder, Imhotep looked up at Babu.

"You say to me when I was a boy, Evelyn is everything to you and now.. you are the reason she lived and you are the father of her son who's now learning at school. Build your new life with her Imhotep, she'll make you happier than you ever had from Nefertiri before. She answers your questions".

Babu giving Imhotep a smile, Imhotep now realized, crying over someone's death didn't make him happier. Imhotep now has Evelyn and Dakota on his side. The two most loveable creatures Imhotep love and he will not break it apart.

He must do something to win Evelyn's heart back. "I made Evelyn my wife". said Imhotep.

"And allow me to help you to win her heart".

Back to Bettany's home. Evelyn laid the cup on her laps, Joe, Robert and Amelia were amazed after hearing Evelyn stories and their journey.

Too many questions to ask. Joe spoke. "So is it true? Dark magic was real".

"Of course. There's ancient times, the medjai warriors forbade the outsider from coming and digging the treasure. Because they don't want the mistake to happen again. Like I do".

"So Imhotep lived with you now Evelyn". Amelia breathed. "Do you love him?"

Evelyn then laid the cup on the coffee table. She doesn't know how she feels towards Imhotep now, he's changed suddenly because of Meela. So she didn't think Imhotep was in love with her anymore.

"Well? I don't think I can answer that question Amelia. I had no intention to make Imhotep my husband".

Robert smirking. "He's the father of your son. Don't be so ego Evelyn, you love him don't you..?"

"FINE! Yes, I am. I'm in love with Imhotep! Satisfied!?" Evelyn screamed. Amelia claps her hand. "What was that for?"

"I knew it. Of course we do. I've been telling you Evelyn, your life was full of romance just you don't realize until you feel it".

"Does that count?" Amelia shakes her head. "Well yes Imhotep is the father of my son but.. I don't know, it feels weird".

Amelia reached Evelyn's hand. Amelia smiles. "Go to him. Make him happy".

Evening later. Dakota arrives at the house but sees Jonathan standing outside the house for no reason. Dakota approached him.

"What wrong Uncle Jonathan? why are you standing outside why don't you go inside".

"Your father forbids me too! he's with your mother inside. I don't know what happened, every window and door was locked from the inside".

Dakota reached the door handle trying to open it but failed. Jonathan was right. "Do they fight?"

"How should I know? They're been inside for like half an hour and nothing I could hear from. Does they two have a sex while we were gone".

Dakota shrugs, Jonathan feels disgusting.

"I can't believe this.. EVIE!" Jonathan shakes the door. "I'm gonna burst this door if you don't tell me what happened inside! I call Ardeth!"

Jonathan was shocked to see Ardeth stood beside him. Ardeth smirking, touching Jonathan's shoulder.

"My friends. You were about to find out in a minute. Something you can barely imagine".

Jonathan said as the door opened, revealing Evelyn who was blushing. Her face is red like tomatoes.

What actually happened inside?

"You alright Evie!? what did the bald head do to my sister!" Jonathan asks Ardeth.

Evelyn's eyes met up with Jonathan, she spoke. "Jonathan..(Evelyn showed Jonathan a ring) you know what it means?"

"It's just a ring". Jonathan still doesn't get it. Ardeth turns to Jonathan, annoyed. Dakota stood between the adults. "Not just the ring Jonathan.." she said.

"Did dad ask you to marry him?" Dakota asks his mother, Evelyn nods her head. "So you say yes?" Evelyn nods her head again, Dakota gasps excitement. "I cannot believe it!"

Jonathan frowns. Ardeth congratulates Evelyn on her proposal. Imhotep came between them with a smile.

"Imhotep?" Ardeth calls him, and they turn to Imhotep. Dakota launched on Imhotep arm. "You must promise me that you will look after Evelyn and Dakota. This is your chance that I hoped you wouldn't waste it on dark magic".

Ardeth turns to meet Evelyn's eyes. "Evelyn is the most special woman you have ever met. I sometimes fall in love with her too but I can't.. I have my own duty to protect".

"Are you in love with your sister!?" Jonathan howled. "Did I just miss something I don't know and no one tries to talk about it!"

Ardeth's smile touches Jonathan's shoulder again. "My friends. Everyone loves your sister, I hope you will find a good woman like your sister someday".

"What about you Ardeth? Don't you want it..?"

Ardeth shake head. "My life is complicated Evelyn. You know. Someday or maybe. I congratulate you both". he smiled.


A year later. Imhotep lived happily ever after with Evelyn, his son Dakota and the new born twins named Shahida and Lateef.

Who said an ancient Egyptian man like Imhotep can't have his own family he deserves. Not from Nefertiri but the woman Imhotep's love.. Evelyn Carnahan.

Jonathan and Ardeth are still the same, haven't changed. As for Robert's he moved to America for his medical attention. Evelyn hears Robert is getting to know this sweet woman, a nurse named Angelique.

Well, that's the stories how the High Priest Imhotep end and found his love back. So many things Imhotep has been through throughout his life.

As a Priest, loyal adviser for the pharaoh, Imhotep met Princess Nefertiri, Amunet, the medjai. Hom Dai curse, death and more death even Imhotep had to fight the Scorpion King's to save the Carnahan's.

Imhotep lived in Cairo until his last breath as an older... Imhotep.