Chapter 1: Shield Newcomer

"Lieutenant Leon Coulson, deputy commander of the third company of the 1st Battalion of the Ranger Regiment, reporting!"

A mellow yet steady, young voice, accompanied by the breeze when walking, sounded in the spacious office.

Looked up from the heavy load of documents on the desk and at the young man in military uniform standing upright at his desk. Phil Coulson felt his heart stir and was suddenly a little relieved.

A gray-green army uniform with a close-fitting design makes the youth's tall and straight figure look even more outstanding. The slight eyebrows were in line with the military-trimmed brown hair, making those pale blue eyes extraordinarily deep.

At this time, the young man's handsome face was full of astonishment, as if he was stunned by the situation in front of him.

Phil Coulson got up from the chair, returned a military salute to the surprised young man, and then smiled: "Long time no see, Leon!"

The youth in military uniform was stunned and subconsciously returned a crisp salute. Then, as if waking up from a dream, he asked: "Huh? Uncle Phil?!"

Coulson smiled without saying a word, pointed his finger to the opposite seat, and said, "Why are you still standing? Sit down."

"Yes, sir!"

Although he was still very puzzled, the young man in military garb reached out his hand to take off his military cap, tucked it under his arm, and took a step forward, facing his uncle/ future boss, and sat down.

"Welcome to the Bureau of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division I'm Supervisory Agent, Phil Coulson."

After introducing himself, Phil Coulson still winked at Leon mischievously.

However, Leon was not amused by his uncle's behavior. Instead, he frowned, and his face was filled with doubts, "What's the matter?" Uncle Phil asked,

"Uncle Phil, didn't you work in an accounting company? How did you suddenly become an agent?! And still in the department with this super long name?"

Leon knew the next morning that Uncle Phil was an agent of Shield, but he also put on an expression of "I don't know anything, I'm shocked."

If there is an Oscar award in this world, Leon Coulson's acting skills can be simply nominated for the best actor!

As early as three years ago, Phil Coulson naturally did not expect his nephew to know his secret.

"Haha, I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long." Phil Coulson smiled triumphantly, bared his white teeth, and continued to explain: "Because of the special nature of this job, I need to keep it a secret so that I couldn't tell you in advance."

Leon continued to put on a surprised expression and said, "Could it be that you are the one who transferred me to this department?!"

"That's right." Phil Coulson snapped his fingers and said, "However, Director Fury also agreed..."

Does Fury also know?

Leon's heart shuddered, and then he let it go.

Also, as an observer of the whole world and the reason for the organization's loyalty, Fury will pay more attention to everyone who joins SHIELD.

What's more, he is still Coulson's nephew.

"By the way, are you still accustomed to living in the new residence the bureau arranged for you?"

"Uh, it's okay..."

After a brief chat about the homework, Coulson crossed his fingers and seemed to become another person: "I think you should be very curious about what this department does, right?"

Although I have known for a long time that this special department specializes in handling strange events, Leon still pretended to be "I don't know, I'm curious" on the surface, nodded, and replied: "Yes."

"The full name of this department is the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, but I prefer its abbreviation, S.H.I.E.L.D!"

"This is a secret intelligence service established by the World Security Council. Its history can be traced back to World War II..." After briefly introducing the history of Shield, Coulson looked into Leon's eyes and asked again: "Do you know the meaning of this name?"

Leon shook his head.

At this time, Coulson got up from the seat, came to Leon's side, put his right hand on his shoulder, and said earnestly: "This name means that we are a line of defense, resisting any unknown enemy beyond human imagination. The warrior of things is the guardian who strives to keep this world from being destroyed!"

Phil Coulson can become Fury's confidant and be regarded as a friend by the Avengers. He has his reason.

Great eloquence and a funny personality are important reasons Uncle Phil can occupy a place in Shield.

Even Leon, familiar with this world, was enthusiastic about what he said, wishing to immediately devote himself to protecting world peace.

After speaking some exciting words, Coulson returned to the seat again and continued to explain to his nephew: "I have read your report. Based on your mission performance and training results during your ranger period, it was decided that you don't need to go to the combat department to accumulate EXP, and you can invest directly in the mission. Therefore, you will be transferred directly to the Special Operations Department, which is my department."

"Also, your authority level is 4, and this is your agent's ID."

Talking, Coulson took a black police badge from the drawer and handed it over.

Leon took a look. In addition to his name and profile picture, there is also a "level 4" label on the police badge. Level 4?

Shield is a hierarchical intelligence agency. It was initially established by the US ZF and is now affiliated with the United Nations. And Shield has an absorbing agent hierarchy.

However, the classification of this agent's rank has nothing to do with the size or strength of the official status.

Shield agents will be based on the work content, performance, workability, and length of time each agent has served. Conduct the assessment of the level of security clearance, which has also led to some front-line operational agents may be as high as or even higher than the leaders of particular branches.

However, in most cases, the security clearance level of agents is independent of Shield's chain of command.

This agent level is not only the intelligence access authority of Shield but also the security certification level. This means that the higher the level, the more confidential the information you know, and the higher SHIELD trusts you.

Different digital levels correspond to varying levels of access permission. There are ten levels in Shield, with level 1 being the lowest and level 10 being the highest.

In short, level 1 to level 6 agents can only know general secrets, and level 7 and above can know high-level secrets.

In the entire SHIELD, there is currently only one level 10 agent, the Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

Generally, newcomers who have just entered Shield can obtain an agent level up to level 4.

Therefore, Leon was delighted when he saw "level 4" on his ID.

The higher the level, the more confidential information can be seen, and the more helpful it is for him to participate in various significant events.

Considering the superheroes about to appear, Leon can't wait to upgrade from level 4 to level 7 immediately.

"Okay, let's stop here. When you go to the department to report first, the Barton Union will familiarize you with the work. If you have any questions, ask him."

"Okay." Leon nodded.

Just getting up from the seat, Leon, who had not yet reacted, was given a big hug by Coulson.

After being released, Phil Coulson opened his arms and showed Leon his brightest smile.

"Well, welcome to SHIELD!"