Chapter 8: Mission Completed

Norman Osborne had not yet reacted when the gunfire sounded. The masked gangsters around him fell one after another like dominoes.

And he was unscathed!

At this moment, Norman Osborne knew that his rescue was here!

Turning around slowly, he saw the appearance of the reinforcements: a man with a compound bow with sharp eyes like a falcon and a young man with a silenced pistol and squinted eyes.

Judging from the two different costumes of the masked bandits and the eagle-shaped badge on their arms, Norman Osborne quickly guessed the identity of the two: friends, not enemies!

The other party's words also verified his guess.

The pistol was tucked back into the thigh holster, and Leon asked aloud: "Mr. Osborne, we are agents of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau. You are safe now."

Although I don't know why someone from the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau come to save me.

However, Norman Osborne is still pleased that he can escape from being held captive.

More importantly, in this way, my company's confidential technology has not been robbed by these gangsters. . .

For such good news, even Norman Osborne, a little ashamed, patted the dust on his suit with ease and walked towards Leon and Barton.

"Thank you two very much! If it weren't for two, I might have given my life's hard work to these thugs." As he said, Norman Osborne extended his hand to the two.

The duo shook hands with the famous Marvel villain. Leon saw that his boss Hawkeye didn't mean to speak, so he immediately answered: "Mr. Osborne, you are too polite; this is just our duty."

Norman Osborne is worthy of being at the helm of one of the major technology groups in Marvel.

Even in the case of being held hostage by the culprits, he didn't show panic at all. Moreover, the personable demeanor after being rescued makes people sigh: This is the real big shot!

'S attitude of not being surprised, even Leon, who knows he will become the Green Goblin in the future, can't help but feel good.

On the other hand, Norman Osborne was very grateful to Leon, a young boy who saved his life.

He didn't care about Clint Barton's indifferent attitude but looked up and down at Leon with his eyes.

As far as he knows, the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is a very mysterious intelligence agency. Those who can enter this department are all elites.

However, the young man in front of him seems at most 23 years old!

Leon entered this department at a young age, and judging from the marksmanship; his skill is still so good.

This made Norman Osborne a great curiosity about Leon, a life-saver.

He is very curious whether the agents of the entire National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau are so powerful, or is the young man of Leon a particular case?

At this time, the protection of the two Shield agents, Leon and Barton, reminded him of the safety of other people in the company. Norman Osborne asked: "Excuse me, how is the situation in the building? Now? Have the gangsters been wiped out?"

"Don't worry; we have taken the monitoring center back and lifted the blockade of the building. Moreover, the FBI, special police, and other troops also entered the building, and the gangsters should be eliminated soon."

Hearing Leon's answer, Norman Osborn seemed to let go of his worries all at once.

He helped Norman Osborn, who was a little embarrassed, into the Biological Research Center, and after finding a chair to sit down, Leon returned to Clint Barton's side.

Hawkeye was using his headset to give orders to other Shield agents: "Duncan, where have you been?"

"Sir, we have reached the 20th floor."

"Agent Leon and I have rescued Osborn; you continue to search upwards and wipe out all the enemies on all floors as soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Lucius, you cooperate with Duncan, don't let the enemy have a chance to hurt the hostages or run away, you know?!"


As soon as he gave the order, Clint Barton heard Leon's voice coming from beside him, "What should I do now?"

Turning his head and glancing at Leon, Clint Barton smiled and said: "Our task has been completed, and the rest of the finishing work is left to them."

"After all, they must behave in front of taxpayers, right?"

Leon nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, I understand."

To rescue Norman Osborne, the group president for the Shield team led by Clint Barton, more than half of the mission was completed.

Therefore, taking advantage of other hungry troops rushing to the other building floors and pouncing on the leisure of the few bandits, Leon and Clint Barton leaned against the corridor wall and began to rest.

"You are excellent."


Leon looked at Clint Barton dumbfounded, with doubt in his eyes, "Are you complimenting me?"

"Hmm." Clint Barton nodded and continued: "I thought you were just a young, self-righteous kid..."

"But I didn't expect that your performance today surprised me. What Phil said was right. Upon hearing this, Leon seemed to have realized something and immediately showed a surprised expression, "Uh. ? ! Sir, you know me and. . . "

Clint Barton interrupted him directly, "Nonsense! Phil and I have been colleagues for ten years, and his nephew has joined the bureau. Would I not know?"


Leon scratched his head and showed an embarrassed expression, "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hide it."

"It's okay, I understand. Phil told me." Clint Barton waved his hand and placed it on Leon's shoulder. He said sincerely: "That's why Phil will let you go. The reason for me."

"Oh, I understand now."

Leon suddenly figured out all the previous doubts.

Why did Coulson transfer him to the special operations department and let him follow Clint Barton?

Hawkeye's eyes are on him when he is out of the mission, and he inexplicable smiles when he turns and leaves.

All this is because Hawkeye has long known that he is Coulson's nephew!

Not only that, but Coulson must have asked Clint Barton, a long-time friend in private, to take care of him. . .

Thinking of this, Leon felt warm in his heart. When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the voice coming from the headset: "Report, sir! The enemy has been wiped out, and no hostages have been injured!"

"Okay, I received it. Leaving the scene, we meet on the tarmac."

This conversation means that this task has been completed!

At this time, Leon's mind also received a prompt to complete the task in time:

[Ding! The "Skyscraper Rescue" mission has been completed, and the rewards have been issued. Please pay attention while checking the rewards. ]