Chapter 11: Extraordinary Skills 2 Choose 1

Seeing Hawkeye standing in the ring without protective equipment, Leon was very helpless.

"Get in the ring and start fighting? Don't you need to wear headgear or gloves?"

"No need. Without any gear, I can see your true strength." Hawkeye expressed very confidently.

"You're the boss," Leon said.

He took off his jacket, only wearing a white T-shirt, so he pulled the rope away and stepped into the ring.

The two stood face to face in the center of the ring, less than one meter apart.

"What do you know?"

"Karate, Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts..."

Hearing this answer, Clint Barton couldn't help frowning, "So many? You know, fighting is not the more genres you learn, the more powerful you are."

Leon smiled embarrassingly, "I just picked up more as I mastered each one."

He can't directly say that these are all fighting skills learned from various "friends" and that he doesn't need to spend time in class or practice.

Besides, do you have a lot of skills?

"Okay, let me see; I can win the first strength in the combined fighting of the four major forces!"

As soon as 's voice fell, Hawkeye took a step forward, and a punch with the sound of the wind came towards him!

With a sudden blow, Leon's pores opened in an instant.

Watching the fist that has grown since childhood, about to come into close contact with his handsome face, Leon reacted: his head tilted to the left!

There was a fist wind blowing from his ears, and before Leon had time to feel it, he was forced to take two steps back by Hawkeye's second blow.

It was a powerful round kick!

Leon did not expect that Hawkeye's fighting strength would be so outstanding.

From these two attacks alone, it can be judged that even if he loses the most powerful bows and arrows, his fighting skills are enough to allow him to crush the elites of various special forces.

Of course, that does not include Leon.

"Worthy of the famous Hawkeye!" He praised in his heart, Leon's eyes condensed, and he began concentrating.

The two attacks did not hit Leon but lit Hawkeye's, combative heart. After shouting, "Continue!" he took three steps and two steps, stepping at a breakneck pace, and attacked Leon again. Come over!

In the face of the menacing Hawkeye, Leon did not evade his edge but faced him straight up.

First, he used the left arm to open the attack of the eagle eye, and then the right hand came next, which was a face punch.

However, such a simple routine, how can it pose a threat to the fast-reacting eagle eye?

Just dodged gently, and Hawkeye retook control of the initiative.

He pulled Leon's fist into his arms along the way, hitting a secret knee and whizzing toward Leon's lower abdomen.

Leon felt that if this trick were eaten, he would definitely be struck, and then it would be difficult to fight.

So, he struggled with both hands, stacked his left hand with his right, and turned it into a guardrail, which was able to block this powerful knee bump.

The impact was so huge that he had to take two steps back before removing it.

After pulling the distance away, Leon also frowned and gently shook his palms with numb hands, whispering in his mouth: "The power is so powerful..."

After a few rounds of your coming and going, both started to heat slightly, and they seemed to have entered a fighting state.

Especially Hawkeye. It has been a long time since he met an opponent who can beat (beat) him so much. The more he hits, the more excited he gets and the heavier he starts.

However, this isn't very pleasant for Leon, a guy with many skills that don't overwhelm him.

They attacked each other for a while, so he quickly realized his difficult situation.

In this competition, he is at an absolute disadvantage.

His fighting skills are better than Hawkeye's, but in his reaction, it is challenging to keep up with Hawkeye's attack frequency!

Hawkeye's attack can hit him, but it is difficult for him to hit Hawkeye, coupled with the power of the eagle eye, which is close to the critical point of the human body's limit, which also makes his every attack full of threats.

One accidentally, if he was hit in the abdomen or face, Leon felt that he would be knocked out.

Therefore, in the face of the opponent's swift attack, he can hide or hide, and if he can't, he will try his best to resist with his arms so as not to be hit in the torso and lose combat effectiveness.

Even so, he was passively beaten, and after ten minutes of persistence, he was finally defeated.

"It's so refreshing! It's been a long time since I've tried such a fun fight!"

"Huha...huha..." And Leon, with a sweaty face, was lying on the ring without an image. While panting, he attacked a guy who didn't know the severity. "I can't move..."

"Hahaha..." Someone laughed heartily again.

As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. This discussion between Leon and Clint Barton has made the relationship between the two more harmonious.

Although Clint Barton's favorability level above his head is still "enthusiasm," Leon has a hunch that he will "like" the next favorability level only through a layer of window paper.

After the exercise, the two people, leaning on the ring's ropes, began to chat without a word.

"Your fighting skills are very proficient; even I sometimes can't guess your next move."

"But, I still lost..."

"Do you know why you lost?"

Leon raised his head and looked at Hawkeye, his eyes searching, "Why?"

"Because you didn't react fast enough! Even though I don't know what your next move is, relying on my senses, I still predicted your attack trajectory and reacted one step in advance."

Leon rolled his eyes involuntarily, hearing this answer, and said in his heart, "Of course! If I have the skills in your body, it is not always certain who wins and who loses..."


Considering this, Leon suddenly remembered, isn't there more than 12,000 experiences in his pocket?!

Initially, he didn't use EXP to learn Hawkeye's skills immediately. He was distressed. After all, with EXP, which extraordinary skill should he learn?

Because the EXP requirement for extraordinary skills is 10,000 EXP.

Therefore, the two extraordinary abilities of Hawkeye, [Spell Shot] and [ Sensitive Spirit], based on his current EXP value, can only choose one.

However, after this miserably abused discussion, Leon felt he didn't need to worry anymore!

[Shooting]? PASS!

[Sensitive Spirit]It's you!