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Chapter 5

After returning to his room Alex cleaned himself off sweat and dirt accumulated from all the exercise.

After cleaning himself Alex sat on the bed and got ready for the upgrade.

Since the system has already warned him of the pain, he ripped a piece of cloth and stuffed it in his mouth. He ripped another piece and tied it in a way over his mouth so the previous cloth couldn't come out no matter how much he screams.

He then lay on the bed with his face up and commanded the system in his mind to start the upgrade.

The pain didn't start slowly, giving him time to prepare; no, the pain started immediately in full force.

Although he had died, he had never experienced this much pain in either of his lives.

The pain was so much that he couldn't bear it, Alex struggled to scream but he couldn't as

The piece of cloth won't let his voice come out.

After less than 2 minutes his screams started to subside as his vocal cords inflamed, and blood ran out from his eyes as his eyes were wide open and looked like they would pop out from his eye socket.

His nerves became visible. Blood red veins could be seen on his whole body. Even the nerves looked like they would explode any moment.

He clenched his lips so tight, that they tore, and started bleeding endlessly.

His skin became as pale as a dead person.

Alex could feel it, a strange type of energy trying to unblock his blocked Meridian gates.

[Ding! The host is about to lose consciousness, Forcefully stopping the upgrade]

'W-wait ughhhh n-no don't stop th-the processss, I can hold on.'


Alex was in pain, much pain, pain even greater than what a man feels when kicked in the nuts, but he held on.

For his dream, he held on. His insistence on his dream was bigger than this pain although only barely bigger.

After one more minute, the pain finally started to subside, his face drenched with blood and sweat.

His back was bathed in sweat and his eyes and lips were still bleeding.

He walked towards the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and used appraisal on himself to check his status and surely as he guessed, it was there.

Alex Caesar, 14

*Traits :

Leadership: 78/93

Wisdom: 59/75

Politics: 85/97

Business: 55/65

*Aptitudes :

Infantry: E


Magic: F

Other talents: No other talents.

Special talents: No special talents.

His potential in infantry had increased from F to E.

"System, I remember last time there was a 'spear' written below my Infantry, but that's not there anymore. Also, why has my potential for Bow increased when I haven't even upgraded it?"

[ A knight increases his class by the method of using mana to push open his closed gates, as a Knight uses Mana to practice with their weapons, they gain new insights into Mana and use those insights to properly control Mana to push open their Gates. But whether they use Infantry weapons or Bows for long range, as long as their body conditions meet the requirements they can increase their class.

You have already upgraded your potential and now have 5 unblock or closed Meridian Gates, so you will be able to reach Class 2 whether you use infantry weapons or Bows.]

" Then why did that person named Rey Fisher from this morning have different potentials for Infantry and bow? If he had 8 unblocked Gates, he should have been able to reach Class 3 by using either the Spear or bow."

[To correct the host, Although that person had 8 unblocked Meridian Gates but that doesn't mean they were open. The 8th gate although not blocked but was still closed. He could open the 8th gate and become a class 3 knight but to open the 8th gate he needed to properly control Mana to push it open. But he didn't have that level of control on Mana while using the spear, only after using a bow which he is talented in will he gain new insights on controlling Mana and will be successfully able to open the 8th gate and become a Class 3 knight. That's why he had D potential in Bow and E potential in Infantry (spear).

But the host has nothing to do with this since the system has bestowed a special gift on the host. ]

"A special gift, what do you mean by a special gift?"

[ The system has bestowed the host with the talent to use any weapons like how a talented person would use them. Now, the host is highly talented in all weapons like Sword, Spear, Dagger, Halberd even Bow and all the other weapons.

The host can gain insights and mastery with any weapon, that is also why the spear has been removed from below your infantry potential.

Since the host has now 5 unblocked Gates and is equally talented in both Infantry weapons and Bow. The host's potential has been upgraded to E in both the Infantry and


"I think I understand".

After this tiring session of an upgrade, Alex was famished. Not only was he hungry because of training since morning, but he had also lost too much blood and energy just now.

Alex gulped down a large jug of water and then went to the bathroom to get himself cleaned of blood and sweat.

After the bath, when Alex stood in front of the mirror he realised, he had lost a bit of belly fat and fat from his hands, legs and other parts of his body.

Maybe it was because of using too much energy or sweating too much but Alex was happy to lose a little fat.


Sorry guys, I know the last chapter and this chapter have been wasted in the talks between Alex and the system but don't worry now it's over, although there are other parts of the system left to explain like magic and all, but that's for later. For now, the story will start properly from the next chapter.