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Black Market

Then Alex continued going through the rest of the alleys of the slums.

Sadly he didn't found anyone talented.

But Alex wasn't disappointed for he had already obtained an ace, asking for more in a small slum of a small city is too much.

While moving he gave a few pointers directly or indirectly to some children he found or their parents about how they are a little talented in magic or sword or spear or anything. And they should apply to join the Caesar household.

Even if there was no one talented enough to be recruited as his personal subordinates. They were still enough to raise the overall strength of Caesar's household if they joined the house.

After going through all the alleys Alex turned around to notice that the man was following him as he asked him to do.

He continued to walk without calling out to the guy. He just let the man follow him as he continued to walk towards a specific part of the city.

It was time to use the second function of the system. In addition to finding talented subordinates, Alex had asked one more function for his ability from the Goddess.

The second function of the system was to let Alex encounter lucky encounters like the protagonists and antagonists of novels. In other words something like MC halo.

The previous range of this function was 10 km but now this function had upgraded to 25 km after Alex became a Class 1.

After upgrading to the distance of 25 km, the ability to start reacting means that there is some kind of treasure in the range of 25 km from Alex.

Although the maximum star, the ability could search for was only 4 Star. Meaning whatever treasure the system was notifying about to Alex must be under 4 Star. This ability will also upgrade as Alex becomes strong meaning as Alex will become stronger, this function will also notify Alex of more high Star treasures.

Alex continued walking in the direction system was pointing him towards.

Alex continued walking for more than half an hour. The way to the destination was so narrow that there was no space for a carriage to pass through.

The place he reached was located in the corner of the city. The place was like a market on its own.

It looked like a black market except for the fact that this City wasn't big enough for an official branch of the black market to open here.

Alex walked the market and was astonished.

The market looked like an ordinary one that Alex saw before in the town. The people present there were much more than Alex had anticipated.

Sam who was following behind tried to warn Alex to avoid this place but Alex had no intention to leave without getting what he came here for.

Alex continued walking inside the market and inspected various items along the way.

There were stalls selling different potions, weapons and artefacts located at the side of the road. There was even a 1 Star Mana technique.

Alex walked until he reached in front of a specific store. The name of the store was 'Fate's Choice'. A little too fancy name; Alex thought.

The system had pointed Alex towards this store so there was definitely something worth his attention here.

Without thinking twice, Alex walked inside the store along with Sam.

All this while Nathan followed them and observed them from behind.

Alex went inside the store and the shopkeeper greeted Alex, the shopkeeper was happy as there were not many customers nowadays so he was very welcoming to any customer that comes.

"Hello, I beckon that you have come to try your luck today at this humble place." The shopkeeper said very politely while looking at Sam. He thought Sam was the customer and Alex was just a child roaming with Sam.

"I don't know, I just saw the name of your store and felt curious so I came to check. First, explain how the store works and how can I try my luck here. Is it a gambling den sort of like a casino."? Alex spoke asserting that he was the one in charge and it's him the shopkeeper should attend to.

The shopkeeper became happy as he heard this since he mistook Alex for a son of a wealthy merchant, he was confident he could thug much more from Alex as it's a lot easier to fool kids than adults.

With a smile on his face, the shopkeeper started explaining the rules one by one to Alex.